floor music

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gymer monkey10

ok i like "be my guest" from beauty and the beast i also like "balls of fire". but "be my guest" is to young for me, cuz im going to be 14 when i compeet it. got any good ideas? :confused:
THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX! Stay away from movie themes and the tried and true that everyone has heard a million times. See what your coach has for demo CD's and listen w/ out any preconceived ideas and the right piece will come along for you! Also listed to the many music websites there are out there......:D Anything by bond is also good for older kids who can dance.
Enter the floor music guru.

Reccomendation #1: check my sig

Reccomendation #2: check...

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Enter the floor music guru.

Now that I love. I think you need to have it in your sig!:D
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Check out some of the Cirque du Soleil CDs. They always have the coolest music in their shows. :cool: I'll bet you could edit something down to what you need.

Yes, my company is in the thread GT posted (I'm afraid to post it here lest I get in trouble)! I take requests, as well, so don't be afraid to ask.
Yes, my company is in the thread GT posted (I'm afraid to post it here lest I get in trouble)! I take requests, as well, so don't be afraid to ask.

No worries; somebody specifically asked about it here, so you can post about your company. Also, you can put a link in your sig if you like.
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Listen to your competitors music. Don't steal it or anything but they might have a...say, a Spanish type music and you think you might like something like that. Explore music. My music is Christimas, so there's an option. Listen and...learn. :D
Trans-Siberian Orchestra has some awesome music, too. Here is a link to their website. You can listen to clips of a lot of tracks. Link Removed
Dig through your parents CDs - chances are, they're hiding some form of instrumental stuff you've never thought to listen to. Once you get past the Irish drinking songs, mine have some nice Celtic stuff, and there's musical soundtracks. Even if they don't have copies without lyrics, you can probably find instrumental versions on iTunes. You may also have friends that have somewhat eclectic music tastes that are afraid to come out of the closet, but could possibly help you.

If anyone wants a Morrowind theme floor length cut I just made (pretty sounding, but because of the tempo, probably completely inappropriate for anyone doing loads of tumbling...that'd be American optionals, I guess. Really low level Canadian gaming fans? Rhythmics???), PM me. I was upping the volume in Audacity so I could actually *hear* it on my iPod, then I decided to mess with it a little more...
Trans-Siberian Orchestra has some awesome music, too. Here is a link to their website. You can listen to clips of a lot of tracks. Link Removed

I use them for my floor music! I use Carol of the Bells. I just thought it was funny you mentioned that because I use them! :D
My daughters music is Great Balls Of Fire.We got it from Energym.

DD had her first music from Energym ( Im a Believer) we didnt hear it at any meets so when it was time to pick her second music we went back she is doing Flashdance - What a feeling this year. She loves it!
Dig through your parents CDs - chances are, they're hiding some form of instrumental stuff you've never thought to listen to. Once you get past the Irish drinking songs, mine have some nice Celtic stuff, and there's musical soundtracks. Even if they don't have copies without lyrics, you can probably find instrumental versions on iTunes. You may also have friends that have somewhat eclectic music tastes that are afraid to come out of the closet, but could possibly help you.

If anyone wants a Morrowind theme floor length cut I just made (pretty sounding, but because of the tempo, probably completely inappropriate for anyone doing loads of tumbling...that'd be American optionals, I guess. Really low level Canadian gaming fans? Rhythmics???), PM me. I was upping the volume in Audacity so I could actually *hear* it on my iPod, then I decided to mess with it a little more...

Videogame music on your ipod? Openning tracks up in audio editors to mess around with them?

I sense a kindred spirit :D
thanks lots of good sugestions if any wants to put any specific songs thats okay:p
My daughters music this year is a cut from Trans Siberian Orchestra mixed with Metallica, their music is amazing!
A lot of people think its really overused, but I love the whole Riverdance/ Irish ceilidh stuff. Or find a song that means a lot to you- karoke tapes are great!

There used to be a really good site that gives you internation elite's floor music but now its shut due to copyright :(.

I have Shawn Johnson's old music if anyone wants it. PM me.


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