My daughter has done well with K-Bee leos...they are less expensive than GK and Snowflake. The fit seems similar to GK, which is really her favorite. She has never liked Snowflake and has one only worn twice leo from them! Geez, if I had an ebay account I'd sell it!! Snowflake fabric seems stiffer. K-Bee is softer like GK.
She got a giveaway leo from Destira at a meet a few weeks ago and it seems like a nice fabric but unfortunately it's too big.
Her team has a workout leo that is Adidas brand and she hates it....fabric a bit too stiff and it seems too short in the torso but the next size would have been huge! For what I paid ($45, I think) I would have liked a leo that she could wear!! Happily, it's optional for practices and only required for special gym shows and such.
Thanks to the other poster who listed many leo places...I'll have to check them out!