Sorry Bog, my dd doesn't do novice so I can't shed any light on it. I'm finding the thread interesting because I have to say that I don't really know what novice is, I haven't come across it and if you'd asked me to guess I would never have guessed they worked that sort of skill level. I assumed it was, well, beginners as the name suggests?! It sounds like a crazy mixed up system!
I was pretty shocked, to be honest, and very disheartened, both as a parent and on behalf of my daughter. She trains hard, and has come so far- you may remember I've said before 18 months ago she couldn't do a handstand, or a bridge kick over, no form and no apparatus skills at all. Now she has clean (old) USAG level 5/6/7 skills, with really good form and consistency. I see now why she hasn't been allowed to compete while they've focussed on up training...
The only difference between these kids and Elite track gymnasts as far as I could see was they perhaps didn't have quite the control or flexibility expected for the Range and Conditioning section. Having youtubed some videos the elite track girls are almost dancers, very flexible and beautiful to watch, naturally straight legs and pointed toes, together with the gymnastics skills. If you consider the big clubs like Liverpool, they only have 4 or 5 kids on the elite track for each year group, which must be a miniscule percentage of their overall talent pool. They also train 18 hours a week from age 6/7.
In our County Novice doesn't allow saltos, any vaults higher than a handspring, or acro conections on beam, or cast to handstand.
They don't allow flipping vaults, but I think half on/half off is allowed. Didn't see any though. Apparently there is a bonus for a backward giant on bars!!

. Having looked everywhere I now see the small print where "FIG execution and artistry penalties will be applied", so Dunno is right, and my original beam question will be whatever the FIG rule is..
I can see why kids who don't want to do 12+ hours a week compete floor and vault. I don't think you could compete "novice" on less. The move up score is so high- out of the kids I saw the other week, only the top three or four scored out to intermediate....
It just seems a lot of hours and a lot of work for the local novice league.
ETa for those that don't know or are interested there was novice (minimum age 8+ in year of competition) intermediate (age 9+), advanced (10+), challenge (11+) then full FIG. It basically mirrors the elite track voluntaries.