full turns!

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I don't know about you, but I know a lot of people who have or have had trouble w/sticking full turns on beam. It's an embarassing skill to fall on, yet hard to master. Last summer, when I found out I was moving to level six, my parents bought me a four-foot low beam. I did full turns on it until they were perfect. Practice will make perfect! Now all my friends can't believe all the full turns I stick> Good Luck!
Great tip, what other skills do you like to practice on your home beam?
I like using it to practice handstands, even adding the quarter turn for the level six dismount training. I aslo work on my jump pass, as well as other jumps to surprise my friends at the gym!
When gymbabi was in level 5 and 6, I used to just slap myself in the forehead when she would stick these huge beautiful leaps, jumps and other seemingly more dufficult things, then fall off on her turns. She always had wobbles on them even when she stayed on, so I guess they were much harder than they look..
gymbabismom, I know what you mean. One of my best friends on the team had the most gorgeous backwalkovers and fell off standing up from her mount and full turns occasionally.
I have never actually done a full turn. All the other people in my class will e on back walkovers and I'll be stuck on full turns. I always drop my heel 3/4's of the way.
one way to practice is to go in releve, do a quarter turn, hold, and then set your heel down. Keep going all the way in a circle.
My dds beam routine at her last meet was beautiful stuck everything :) except for when she slipped of the beam after her half turn :eek: :crazy: Guess what she missed out on a medal for: (.5 fall deduction) and she sticks every cartwheel.:confused:
My sis used to fall off on her half turn too! She would go around and then look like she just kind of hopped off. It stinks missing out on a medal like that. Last meet, I took second on beam w/an 8.7. The girl who won had a 9.05. Here's the catch: I fell on my backwalkover, wobbled my full turn b/cI was nervous after falling, had flexed feet in my tuck jump, and didn't hold the forward handstnad in my dismount! I was disappointed, but it just means I'm in the running for future meets. Same w/your dd. If she was that close, she'll get up on the podium for sure!
In college I went through a stage of not being able to make my turns, my coach made me move it to the end of the routine, and said if I stuck everything not to do it. At first I didnt understand until the first meet when I didnt do it, and my start value was a 9.8, much better to take the .2 deduction instead of the .5 for the fall. I didnt like missing required skills so the next year I did 1 1/2 turns instead.
Haha I hate full turns. Ever since level 4 I've had trouble with turns. I don't fall on them but every routine I've even done I've wobbled on it and if theres a trick im likely to fall on it would be that. I'm always the one who will land my Back handspring Backhandspring then fall on something dumb. I'll come home from practice all excited that I hit the beat in my floor routine and most people come home all excited that they landed their whole routine or something..... Not me I land that but I can't hit the beats! lol
At my last meet, I freaked out (slight exaggeration) when i was competing beam right before my full turn because i realized i didn't warm any up, because i was too busy practicing frontwalkovers. I ended up not falling off but there was a huge wobble, I think because I was nervous about it and not feeling very confident. I ended up getting 1st though :)
And i would agree with gracefulone...practice, practice, practice has also helped make my full turns consistent!
In level 6 I could stick every full turn I did--back then we had to finish on our turning foot--we didn't get to step forward out of it. Then, as I progressed through the optional levels I had trouble making my full turn--now that was embarassing. We never could figure out why I just couldn't seem to figure it out again.
For those who tend to do a 3/4 turn: I try mentally think about doing a 3/2 turn so if you are a bit short, you've still done at least a full turn.
Personally I do not let my gymnast drop there heels immediatly after turns. We use elite judging rules for every level. If they drop their heel early then the turn is downgraded. (can loose 1.3 for lost core element).

I use the 1/4 turn drill mentioned above, then by 1/2's, 3/4's then full.
Also alot of emphasis on a tight chest pulled towards the roof (especially if they start to wobble.
In level 6 I could stick every full turn I did--back then we had to finish on our turning foot--we didn't get to step forward out of it. Then, as I progressed through the optional levels I had trouble making my full turn--now that was embarassing. We never could figure out why I just couldn't seem to figure it out again.

When I was a L7, it was in our routine like a foot from the end of beam, facing the short way, and it would really psych me out because I had no beam to look out towards. I definitely do better if I'm towards the end of the beam facing the long end. Also I know I get kind of weird and I don't know, dizzy towards the end (which is why my series always had to be two seconds in lol), so I had to keep my full turn towards the middle. I still fell on it in L7 and 8 a lot, but then it got better.
i absolutly HATE full turns! i've never been afraid of beam at all untill now, just because of a simple turn. i've croched the beam 3 times doing it and skidded my leg because my foot slips 8 times. there the reason i dont get to compete sections.
Full turns on beam was the first skill that absolutely terrified me. I got over it a bit, but on a bad day when I'm all over the place I refuse to do them or I will be more scared next time on the beam. My excuse is that I learned my full turn on my left foot, and I'm a righty. I had to re-learn turns in level 5 for the floor routine, and taking it to the beam wasn't fun. I can still do a bad leg full turn better than a good leg turn on the beam though.

For wobbly turns a dance/program coach pointed out to me that my back was what makes me wobble all over. When I thought about a strait back rather than a tight stomach I stay on the beam much better.
so are 1 1/2 turns easier for you?
In college I went through a stage of not being able to make my turns, my coach made me move it to the end of the routine, and said if I stuck everything not to do it. At first I didnt understand until the first meet when I didnt do it, and my start value was a 9.8, much better to take the .2 deduction instead of the .5 for the fall. I didnt like missing required skills so the next year I did 1 1/2 turns instead.
flipflopdreamer i had the same problems with full turns, these are a few things that helped me =]

1. one thing to keep in mind is not to 'wind up' your arms to much before you start because then you end up just throwing yourself off the beam

2. i know this sound simple but spot the end of the beam at the end of your full this one helps a ton because it keep you going form the 3/4 and stops you at the full.

3. this is somewhat along the lines of gracefulone but just doing them all the time even if you don't make them, after a whole summer of full turns practicall every day...one day i found they started coming once in awhile and pretty soon they were consistent.

Hopefully this helped some..

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