Full Twist

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Jan 4, 2009
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I recently sprained my thumb/wrist on a pbars accident. So I have no grip. Instead of working other apparatuses I've been doing a lot of tumbling.

Currently I'm trying to learn my full twist. I can do a layout with a half twist(late, not a barani). Tonight I got my full. Then I started doing a half, open, half twist the opposite direction.

I twist counter clockwise(in relation to my body). Is there any drill to help teach the mind/body to not twist the wrong direction after you are no longer inverted?

Hope this isn't confusing, I'm a little scatterbrained at the moment.
If you have a tumble track or a way to flipflip into a soft 8inch mat, do a flip flop with a block and land on your stomach on the 8inch (or 2) mats. When you can do it, when your feet pass the vertical, hollow out and do a full twist.

Otherwise.. you can do a layout 1/2, jump 1/2 until it feels right. It's the old tried and true method... just takes a lot of reps and is tiring..

Im sure other coaches may have some other suggestions too.. have you asked your coach?
Otherwise.. you can do a layout 1/2, jump 1/2 until it feels right. It's the old tried and true method... just takes a lot of reps and is tiring.."

I agree with the you on the method which you do a 1/2 layout, when you land, do a jump half turn.

That is how my coach trains us at our gym when we are training to do fulls.:)
Sounds good. I have been laying off from my full twist work because I injured my knee(nothing serious) when I messed up a full. But I'm feeling better now and will start again tomorrow.

Thanks for all of the help. =]
Hey all.

Yesterday I got my full twist on trampoline!

Now all that's left is to clean it up and make it consistent. Then try it on floor.

Thanks again for your help.:)

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