GA Xcel Bronze question

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OK, after hearing your coach is that experienced (means she knows what she is doing), decided to read the rules a little more closely. It says backward circling element OR VP 360 (VP means value part, so basically any bar circling skill that counts as an element). So reading it this way - and trusting a coach with as much experience as your daughter's has knows what she is doing- I think you are fine. Sit back and enjoy the meet!

PS - your region(Region 8) is also one of the Regions that got together to standardize rules, so all the states in your Region follow the same guidelines
a judge needs to jump on here, or a coach that does this level. it may be possible that a sole circle dismount off the low bar may meet this requirement.

Possible, when you read it. Of course if that is the case then the requirement is really poorly written. It says one backward circling (360*) element OR VP. Obviously sole circle dismount can't meet the 360* circling part, but the "or" could be separating VP into one backward VP rather than one backward circling VP. Thinking about it, it doesn't really even make sense otherwise. So it seems possible, even likely to me, that the backward VP does not have to be a full circle.

The requirements are still all different across the states and I don't even coach prep op in my own state so I'm just speculating...but it makes sense. Why distinguish between element and VP in this circumstance (where nearly any skill would be a VP) unless you're distinguishing between a circling element and other backward VP.

I agree $300 extra to make the routines is a LOT. I hope they at least included an individual piece of music for that price.
In my state, the wording distinguishes "element" and "VP" bc at the entry prep op level the girls can do both VP skills from the code of points and also "elements" from the compulsory routines. If it has a value in the compulsory routine but is not in the COP it still counts as a "skill" for prep op. For example forward leg cut on bars.

Also we count a back hip pullover as a backward circling element for beginner Prep level in our state.

As to why the coaches have girls do skills that are not required, same reason you see fulls in level 7, or bwo bhs in level 7 or anything at all above the minimum requirement at any level. BC gymnastics isn't just about getting a 9.8 with the easiest allowable routine. Maybe the coach hopes she will move up a level at some point in time and wants to let her experience competing some different skills.
OK, after hearing your coach is that experienced (means she knows what she is doing), decided to read the rules a little more closely. It says backward circling element OR VP 360 (VP means value part, so basically any bar circling skill that counts as an element). So reading it this way - and trusting a coach with as much experience as your daughter's has knows what she is doing- I think you are fine. Sit back and enjoy the meet!

PS - your region(Region 8) is also one of the Regions that got together to standardize rules, so all the states in your Region follow the same guidelines

Thanks for explaining it to me. My daughter competes next Friday for her 1st time in Xcel - so I will let yall know how she does! Thanks again! (Sorry to seem like a problem...just need clarification)
Possible, when you read it. Of course if that is the case then the requirement is really poorly written. It says one backward circling (360*) element OR VP. Obviously sole circle dismount can't meet the 360* circling part, but the "or" could be separating VP into one backward VP rather than one backward circling VP. Thinking about it, it doesn't really even make sense otherwise. So it seems possible, even likely to me, that the backward VP does not have to be a full circle.

The requirements are still all different across the states and I don't even coach prep op in my own state so I'm just speculating...but it makes sense. Why distinguish between element and VP in this circumstance (where nearly any skill would be a VP) unless you're distinguishing between a circling element and other backward VP.

I agree $300 extra to make the routines is a LOT. I hope they at least included an individual piece of music for that price.

Yes - it does include her own floor music - it was like $50 on floor express and then the $250 to the coach.
Yes - it does include her own floor music - it was like $50 on floor express and then the $250 to the coach.

wow, this sounds crazy to me. I understand paying for the music. but the routine, at this level? My DD is L5 and the gym is letting the girls compete Prep Op Intermediate after the L5 season ends in March. I found her free floor music online. No one has mentioned anything about charging us for the routines....isn't that what they're supposed to be doing in practice?? We don't bring anyone special in though to choreograph at this level.
wow, this sounds crazy to me. I understand paying for the music. but the routine, at this level? My DD is L5 and the gym is letting the girls compete Prep Op Intermediate after the L5 season ends in March. I found her free floor music online. No one has mentioned anything about charging us for the routines....isn't that what they're supposed to be doing in practice?? We don't bring anyone special in though to choreograph at this level.
Apparently what our coach does is do their bronze routine and then as she moves up she adjusts it for the level she will be moving to - hope that makes sense.
our gym does not charge a fee for routines for Bronze because they all use the same music & pretty much have the same routine. I think there are two routines to same music half do each.

we don't have any Silver this season. my DD is competing Gold. Her routine fee is $75 including music.
Looks like my daughter won't be competing in Florida next week after all. Got this email a few minutes ago...
"The Sand Dollar Invitaional has been cancelled for Prep Op girls
In GA we go by Region 8 rules and the State of Florida go by their own set
of rules. This was not stated on their entry form, even though they knew what
level we were entered as, they did not advise us that they would not be having
Prep Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum at their meet. They are giving our
families a FULL refund of their entry fee. You may use this money to go towards
a future meet. """
We do Prep Xcel in NC and follow Region 8 Guidelines. FL has their own rules, but their gymnasts all compete under Region 8 guidelines at Regionals.
Our Bronze all compete: pullover, cast, back hip, dismount from level 1-4 based on their ability.
The point of Bronze is to introduce these girls who are new to competitive gymnastics. The commitment, both financial and time-wise, should reflect that. Therefore you see the (usually) lower meet entry fees for Bronze.
We have a large Bronze group, and in practice they ate divided by age- 5-7, 8-10. Each group share the same floor/beam routine. We did this b/c the itty bitties are so cute, and the older girls have more mature music/Choreo. All the Choreo was done in practice, at no additional cost to the parents. Moving to team is a huge expense for these families, and we want to keep them for the long-run and continue to build our program. $300, to me, is outrageous. I only charge $125 for prep, and $150 for ops to my own kids (including custom music and unlimited time to learn the routine) and 25% more to go to other gyms. Not a lot by most standards, but I LOVE doing Choreo so much!!!!!

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