Gabby Douglas Hate - (Hopefully) An End

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Everyone - this not the first time people have made personal attacks towards the attitude/appearance/actions/motivations of a high profile athlete. Lebron James has had haters since is was in 9th grade.

Is Gabby supposed to be off limits cause she a gymnast? Is gymnastics too dainty and fancy/special of a sport that people can't say anything but positive supportive things about our atheletes? Gabby isn't even a minor either (although I think once they are seniors in the gymnastics sense they should be old enough to handle this stuff). If people want to criticize her, that's fine. I actually kind of like her more now that I'm seeing all this backlash cause it makes her seem more human.

Also, if she wouldn't have fallen on beam in trials and still made the team, while others like Skinner hit, I don't think any of this would be happening. If anything, what happened to her public image is more the fault of USA gymnastics for pumping up trials to be this big deal, when clearly the team selection had very little to do w/ the results.
I am one who had wished that Laurie had been given the chance to compete for the AA. I am also not the biggest fan of Gabby's mom. However, I think that the criticisms have been over the top. Criticize her gymnastics, fine. But criticizing her hair, her patriotism (national anthem flap) or whether she gave enough support to her teammates was really silly in my opinion. She stood at attention during the anthem. It wasn't like she was sticking out her tongue or checking out her cell phone. During the AA, I thought to myself that cheering next to Laurie Hernandez would make anyone look unenthusiastic. The hair thing had me shaking my head. To me, this girl went out knowing how people felt about her being on team and she did her job. Hit all her events when she needed to for the team. It was obvious that she put in the work after trials and was prepared to compete. That was enough for me.
All of this could've been avoided if gabby was not put on the team. As a 20 year old adult and well-known public figure it's ridiculous to call negative Internet comments bullying. When she decided to go pro in 2012 she was outgoing and personable with her teammates and the media- so I have a hard time believing that she suddenly became so introverted. Do I feel bad that she's upset and feels this way? Of course, it's sad to have her career ending this way. Her actions during the Olympics were inexcusable in my book. Yes they were minor little things, but things that young kids watching and idolizing her picked up on. You want your daughters to watch Olympians who pout and don't stand when their friends with the Olympics? That is NOT how teammates act and is teaching all these young fans that showing bad sportsmanship is okay. I understand what she was upset but get up for two seconds and fake it for the cameras, she's a celebrity she should know how to turn it on.
With all that being sad I have to add that I think the real issue is her mom and family. I strongly believe that they pushed this comeback onto her as a way to bring the public eye back onto her, aka $$$ for them. I think the fact that her mom is talking to press about this "bullying" is her way of getting the media to talk about gabby and I'm willing to assume that she believes "any press is good press". I feel bad that gabby has to go through all this but feel even worse that her family is behaving like this too.
With all that being sad I have to add that I think the real issue is her mom and family. I strongly believe that they pushed this comeback onto her as a way to bring the public eye back onto her, aka $$$ for them. I think the fact that her mom is talking to press about this "bullying" is her way of getting the media to talk about gabby and I'm willing to assume that she believes "any press is good press". I feel bad that gabby has to go through all this but feel even worse that her family is behaving like this too.
I agree with this part. I believe that Gabby's mother pushed her to make a come back because the gravy train was running out. Gabby has been her entire family's source of income since 2012. That's a lot of pressure on a young girl. And wholly irresponsible on the part of her mother. Gymnastics is a short lived career. Whatever money gabby made should have been saved for her education so she would have had a future. Not spent on a big house for her family to live in.
I agree with this part. I believe that Gabby's mother pushed her to make a come back because the gravy train was running out. Gabby has been her entire family's source of income since 2012. That's a lot of pressure on a young girl. And wholly irresponsible on the part of her mother. Gymnastics is a short lived career. Whatever money gabby made should have been saved for her education so she would have had a future. Not spent on a big house for her family to live in.

100% agree.
well, since gabby probably is the most important income for family douglas - a very big burdon for such a young woman to bear imo - even more so everybody need to remember what kindness is, what bullying is and why on earth anyone feels entitled to make an three times olympic gold medallist cry. this is not funny or okay in any way. would you want your daughter being treated this way? being cruel is not cool ever. and yes, you are supposed to avoid saying hurful things that make these young women out there on stage cry. unless they did something really terrible, like not cheering loud enough or - god forbid - stand at attentio during listening to the US anthem. *irony included*

sorry peeps but i am really shocked about the way some people on here talk and keep talking about a young and very successful athlete.
I am one who had wished that Laurie had been given the chance to compete for the AA. I am also not the biggest fan of Gabby's mom. However, I think that the criticisms have been over the top. Criticize her gymnastics, fine. But criticizing her hair, her patriotism (national anthem flap) or whether she gave enough support to her teammates was really silly in my opinion. She stood at attention during the anthem. It wasn't like she was sticking out her tongue or checking out her cell phone. During the AA, I thought to myself that cheering next to Laurie Hernandez would make anyone look unenthusiastic. The hair thing had me shaking my head. To me, this girl went out knowing how people felt about her being on team and she did her job. Hit all her events when she needed to for the team. It was obvious that she put in the work after trials and was prepared to compete. That was enough for me.

While I realize this is not the only point of your post, my expectations are much much higher than the statement above highlighted in bold. To many, (myself included) patriotism, especially at an international event wearing the USA leotard should be in the front of her mind. It apparently wasn't for her and that disappoints me. It doesn't mean I think she should have her citizenship revoked.
I think no one is saying that it's just Gabby. Of course we know that thousands and thousands of kids get bullied every day everywhere in the world. Does that mean that we can't step up when we see someone treated badly because there are so many more people who get treated badly too? It's like saying that we should not help poor people because there's so many other poor people who no one cares about.

Maybe it's a cultural thing too that I feel so strongly about it and don't really understand the point in talking about her facial expressions. I feel she's treated this way because of her personality. Finnish are known as very introverted and awkward and completely unable to small talk and that's ok for everyone. You don't need to smile or be patriotic, no one really cares as long as you don't go out and burn the flag or something :D I guess I'm just happy to live here and not in America. I'm so introverted and hate hugging people, I smile rarely and definitely don't stand up to cheer to anyone ever. BTW, in today's newspaper there was something about American athlete who was barked in the US for using Canada hat in public. Oh dear... I would be very surprised to see that happening in here.
To many, (myself included) patriotism, especially at an international event wearing the USA leotard should be in the front of her mind. It apparently wasn't for her and that disappoints me.
The girls on the national team are told what appropriate behavior is on the podium. So its not like Gabby did not know she was supposed to put her hand on her heart and stand up straight. But in fairness, I did not attribute her slouching and her lackluster attitude to a lack of patriotism particularly. I attributed it to an attitude of "I'm not the star here so who cares." I do believe that gabby's 2012 championship went to her head and gave her an enormous sense of entitlement. I also believe that her mother fed that sense of entitlement and egocentricity. Gabby now will have to learn what it means to no longer be a star, no longer be a media sensation (not in a good way anyway) and that may not be a bad lesson to learn. She needs to get away from her mother's influence I think and figure the rest of her life out now. In that I for sure wish her well.
As a 20 year old adult and well-known public figure it's ridiculous to call negative Internet comments bullying. When she decided to go pro in 2012 she was outgoing and personable with her teammates and the media- so I have a hard time believing that she suddenly became so introverted. Do I feel bad that she's upset and feels this way? Of course, it's sad to have her career ending this way. Her actions during the Olympics were inexcusable in my book. Yes they were minor little things, but things that young kids watching and idolizing her picked up on. You want your daughters to watch Olympians who pout and don't stand when their friends with the Olympics? That is NOT how teammates act and is teaching all these young fans that showing bad sportsmanship is okay. I understand what she was upset but get up for two seconds and fake it for the cameras, she's a celebrity she should know how to turn it on.

This ^^^^ states my thoughts fairly accurately. And again the gymnasts I know and talk with all feel the same way about Gabby.
I am one who had wished that Laurie had been given the chance to compete for the AA. I am also not the biggest fan of Gabby's mom. However, I think that the criticisms have been over the top. Criticize her gymnastics, fine. But criticizing her hair, her patriotism (national anthem flap) or whether she gave enough support to her teammates was really silly in my opinion. She stood at attention during the anthem.

No she didn't. Her left knee was bent, her body relaxed, her arms not by sides. She was standing at ease, not at attention.

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And she did that exactly same thing at trials. It didn't become as viral then, as nobody but gymnastic fans community cared about the trials, but I am sure it was brought to her attention and she was well aware of the criticism then, and yet she does the same thing again on biggest possible international stage? I am wondering if she did it intentionally to get more media attention, not because she wanted to, but because her family wanted her to.

That said, she is an incredible gymnast and what she (and Aly) achieved after their comeback is unbelievable. Yet I can't help but wonder, could she have challenged even Simone if she had the solid rock stability the other four girls had and have? Supportive family, gym to call her own and lifelong (or at least long time = Chow) coaches?
I wish her the best, because she achieved a lot and she deserves the best. But she won't get the best of her life unless her family realizes where the problem is, and I fear they never will.
Yet I can't help but wonder, could she have challenged even Simone if she had the solid rock stability the other four girls had and have? Supportive family, gym to call her own and lifelong (or at least long time = Chow) coaches?
The answer to that is no. Gabby clearly peaked in 2012. Chow worked well with her and she was a very very solid, good AA gymnast. Nothing beyond that. Simone is in a class by herself. Heads and shoulders over Gabby. There just is no comparison.

I hope this is the right video. I do not bully anyone. I truly do not know Gabby's complete story. But what I do know is that people will say whatever out of convenience. I pray she isn't being used by those who should be loving and protecting her, but unfortunately greed for money is far too prevalent. If there is any chance that Gabby reads anything on here , I hope she decides to step away from the media and perhaps her mother. Enough said.
Well, people are going to read into what they want. There is no rule stating that you have to stand there singing the anthem with hand on heart. It's been pointed out elsewhere that hand on heart is during the pledge of allegiance. I think that she came and did what they asked her to do. Her teammates do not seem to have an issue with her (Aly stated that she got a sweet text from Gabby right after the AA). During the team comp, saw her right in there congratulating her teammates. So again, it's all about perception and quite frankly, the nitpicking has been on the ridiculous side. Just my opinion.
No she didn't. Her left knee was bent, her body relaxed, her arms not by sides. She was standing at ease, not at attention.

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And she did that exactly same thing at trials. It didn't become as viral then, as nobody but gymnastic fans community cared about the trials, but I am sure it was brought to her attention and she was well aware of the criticism then, and yet she does the same thing again on biggest possible international stage? I am wondering if she did it intentionally to get more media attention, not because she wanted to, but because her family wanted her to.

That said, she is an incredible gymnast and what she (and Aly) achieved after their comeback is unbelievable. Yet I can't help but wonder, could she have challenged even Simone if she had the solid rock stability the other four girls had and have? Supportive family, gym to call her own and lifelong (or at least long time = Chow) coaches?
I wish her the best, because she achieved a lot and she deserves the best. But she won't get the best of her life unless her family realizes where the problem is, and I fear they never will.
Oh thought as I did.
I attributed it to an attitude of "I'm not the star here so who cares." I do believe that gabby's 2012 championship went to her head and gave her an enormous sense of entitlement. I also believe that her mother fed that sense of entitlement and egocentricity.
I guess my issue is that we are attributing attitudes to her. We don't know what she is or isn't thinking. Just because she is not reacting to the national anthem the way some others would does not mean that she is not proud to be representing her country.

I think it's fine to say that you don't like that she didn't put her hand over her heart, but making assumptions about why is only speculating and leads to comments that are hurtful.

As well, the camera caught her being not as enthusiastic as her teammates. I contend that it looked like she was eating at that moment and got caught by the cameras. Does all that mean she is not happy or supportive of her teammates? Really it does not show that. It might be true but we don't know, so why go to the negative and assume the worst and bash her for it?

I saw many moments where she was smiling caught on camera, all those seem to be ignored for the times when she was not smiling.

Also, form what the cameras showed at least, she showed a lot of grace and support for her teammate amidst a a personally dissapointg performance in the bar final.
Well, just saw a picture on Twitter that she is with Aly and Madison at the beam finals. Think she will turn into a rabid cheerleader for the cameras? :p
you are grown adults and keep commenting on the expression and hadn position of a kid during a competition. i would scold my pupils (aged 9-19) for such behavior. we expect better from them. to me this whole disucssion is (at best!) extremly superficial and ridiculos, hurtful and unkind and bullying at worst.

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