Giant Achieved

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Proud Parent
Finally! DD got her giant tonight at practice! Whoo Hooo! :D
Not an easy task for a 13 yr old, 5'3". Started in April so just a little over 6 months of hard work and determination. I have not seen them yet, but she told me she she did some doubles and multiple singles. The back hand spring on beam is still in question, but it's almost there as well. So if all goes well....Welcome to Level 7!
Congrats! That is wonderful. I often think how much harder it is to learn a giant when you are tall. The small, young kids don't have to be concerned with the low bar. My dd to needed a giant to compete level 7 last year. She did do a giant, but it wasn't pretty. She spent all summer trying to fix her form and now they are beautiful! Your dd got it really fast!
Yay for your DD :) It really makes me smile when the hard work pays off and they conquer a skill!!! On to BH on beam :)
CONGRATS to your dd!!! The giant is huge at any age/height and is an awesome achievement :D. She should be very proud of herself.
Good job on the giant.....BHS on beam are easier than BWO be tight and straight it will go well....she can do it.....

Congrats Optionals is fun!!!
Congratulations on the giant! I do think it's harder when they are taller. Sending beam bhs vibes to your dd!

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