Giant Progressions
This is long but i hope it helps and good luck
Progressions for front giant
1...body alignment rocker, banada boat, etc
2...handstand drills...strain simultaneously with above
3...Swing, long hang, with cheat straps
4...handstand on floor bar...a...overgrip, fall on back...b...overgrip, mini tramp to back...c...reverse grip mini tramp to back...d...use slant mat (i use a high bar stretched across the width of the trampoline at various hts using blocks)
5...cast to handstand on low bar...a...fall to hi mat...b...fall to slant mat
6...cast handstand downswing to spotter...a...teach bailout...b...close to full giant on cheat/strap bar
7...cast downswing to upswing (slight pike) jump off
8...spotted giant on high bar/full giant on cheat/strap bar (use surgical tubing)
Progressions for Back Giant
1...beat swings on cheat/strap bar
2...long hang swing to kick object in front and hight than the bar
3...cast swing to pullover
4...cast swing pullover to horizontal hollow
Back Giant Shaping Drills
1... floor bar...handstand bail to hollow position
2...with wall bar go from extended position to candle and hold for 5 seconds
3...back extension on floor roll to front support then to handstand all to front support hollow position
4...from mini tramp shoot to handstand on raised bar fall to bail on crash mat
Back Giant (single bar)
1...beat swing to candle
2...beat swing to pullover...also beat swing to swings cast swing bail position to bottom giant (cast to horizontal swing pullover to horizontal
5...giant to handstand with spot