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Ok So I'm not gonna have these done soon but its like before I go to college. I'm in 8th grade now.

To become a level 9.... ( i'm a level 8 now)
To get some sweet tricks aka straddle back bounding on floor( like front handspring front pike front tuck)

Also this doesn't really have much to do with goals...... But next season I get to get new music. Does anyone have any suggestions? I want something fast. Thanks!

wow! level 8 now! you'll def get to level 9
I really just want to try my bwo on high beam without mats, but i'm too scared.
You just have to make yourself go for it; that's kind of where I'm at with my series. Have you seen/read "The Peaceful Warrior/The way of the Peaceful Warrior"? When I get scared, I whisper to myself a line from there. "There are no ordinary moments" and I go right away. Having a little trick like that can help sometimes.
When I get scared I just kinda go for it anyway. Maybe have someone stand near the beam? After you go for the first one its not scary anymore and you are like I was scared of this? Good Luck!
OMG! i thought i was like the only one in the united states that set goals for gymnastics!!!! all of my friends think i'm absolutely nuts for setting goals. okay well anyways

level: 10/ pre-elite

goal: by march 1st

bars: get straddle back handstand connected to toe on toe of to highbar, get front giant half to giant to toe on toe off dismount (add a half hopefully!). start working on blind changes

beam: clean up form and do front ariel tucks on low beam no mats around

floor:do double backs by myself, do double pikes on rod floor by myself, do fhs double fulls on floor

vault: start doing fulls by myself!

im SO happy that there are people who set goals!

I really just want to try my bwo on high beam without mats, but i'm too scared.

hey don't worry about it. we are all scared of something. for me i am TERRIFIED of bhs layout stepouts on beam. ahhh i hate them. what really helped me get over my fear was
1. watching people do it like it was nothing. when you see people just do it like its no big deal it really helps put things into perspective

2. thinking about what is the worst thing that can happen... and then thinking "is that an actual possiblity?" and then answer probably will be no. on bhs layout step outs i think to myself, "am i really going to hurt myself on this skill???" and i answer myself probably not because my backhandsprings are pretty straight. i mean that might not work for everyone but that also really helps me put my fear into perspective.

3. before you go, just don' t think to hard about what your going to do. the more emphasis you put on going for it, the bigger deal it becomes. don't stress yourself out about it. i went to a sports psychologist who helped me with some of my fears about gymnastics and her advice was to do something active before you go. for example during my routine i will think of a song in my head and right before i go for my series i will be singing that song and then when im standing there about to go i will think of some key words (like square your hips, straighten your legs, ect) and then i go back to the song and then i'll just go for it.

just do it! remember to always believe in yourself as a gymnast. you know you can do it and eventually if you want it bad enough your body will just make you go.

i really hope this helped! i know it was long lol
OMG! i thought i was like the only one in the united states that set goals for gymnastics!!!! all of my friends think i'm absolutely nuts for setting goals. okay well anyways

level: 10/ pre-elite

goal: by march 1st

bars: get straddle back handstand connected to toe on toe of to highbar, get front giant half to giant to toe on toe off dismount (add a half hopefully!). start working on blind changes

beam: clean up form and do front ariel tucks on low beam no mats around

floor:do double backs by myself, do double pikes on rod floor by myself, do fhs double fulls on floor

vault: start doing fulls by myself!

im SO happy that there are people who set goals!


wow. ur like amazing! how old are you?
thanks! i just turned sixteen last week :) i think im going to start a goal book so i can keep track of my goals and stuff
Ok so no one has posted goals in a while so I'll start it again!
Vault: To get my twisting good! And to get a good score on it at meets! haha 8.1 highest fall score this season. Pretty bad I know. And to eventually do a different vault that involves a flip not a twist. Because I'm definitely a flipper not a twister..........
Bars: To get a straddle back this summer!! And maybe to get free hip hand?
Beam: Hm to add more difficulty in for next year! To get my connection ALL THE TIME. I'm talking like If I try 10 I wanna make 10!
Floor: To put twisting in my routine. and to get my dance better!!! Yeah Im a horrible dancer! LOL!
I guess I'll add mine too :)
Vault: tsuk
Bars: giants, handstand 1/2 toe-catch
Beam: suicide, 1 1/2 front full dismount.
Floor: roundoff back layout back tuck, full
wink wink sly nudge.

So...goals. I have a three-week break from meets, then three weekends in a row, so now's a great time to work.

Bars: tighten up throughout routine, more height coming out of highbar clearhip.
Beam: Go to the next meet without even THINKING about taking a spot on my frontwalkover.
Floor: Land my fronthand front at a meet. Get more height and less pikey on layout.
Vault: Block more quickly and with tight arms.

I had a great meet yesterday! I got all of those goals and my scores showed it! I fell on my frontwalkover on beam, but did it alone, and made a very solid fronthandspring.
By March:
Vault: Fhs flat back with perfect repulsion, front handspring
Bars: Cast pike on, jump to the high bar with straight legs, tuck flyaway into the pit, cast to horizontal with good form.
Beam: Perfect back walkover on high beam, 180 degree split leap connected to a decent sized split jump
Floor: Round off bhs back sault with great height, round off bhs back layout, handspring front sault, front sault step out round off bhs back sault/layout, change leap, 180 degree split leap into decent sized side leap.

By April:
Vault: Perfect front handspring
Bars: Glide kip, long kip, cast to 3/4 handstand with good form, tuck flyaway onto mats.
Beam: 180 degree split leap into a 180 degree split jump, full pirouette with no wobbles, perfect front sault with chest up.
Floor: 1 1/2 turn on one foot

By May:
Vault: no new goals.
Bars: Fully connected bars routine with not many deductions in it and good form throught the whole thing.
Beam: Beam routine constructed and put together, allowed wobbles at this stage but try to make it without falling.
Floor: All my skills at good quality, whether or not i have been taught my routine yet.

By June:
Vault: no new goals, still just a perfect front handspring.
Bars: Fully connected bars routine, with excellent form and solid skills.
Beam: excellent beam with no wobbles, great form and very little deductions at all.
Floor: Know most of floor routine if not all, put what i know of it with all enthusiam and passion, live the routine, be the routine.

Sorry put a couple of months on here but at least I made my goals!!
My 'To Do List'

I am a total neat freak and love goals and to do lists I am obbsessed! I love scrachinh or checking off things on my lest!
I am a level: 4
To Do:
-vertical handstand
-bigger leap
-straight knees and arms on bhs
-straight arms on backward roll
-make front hip circle faster
-straight knees on mill circle
-don't pike!
Goals for before my next competition. (April 10th)
Vault-Start working tsuks.
Bars- Free-hip handstand and stop piking my supposed to be layout flyaways.
Beam- Stop wobbling! And back-pike dismount. And wolf-full.
Floor- Layout...and maybe front through to pike. And work on my forward arial to side arial.
I guess my date will be March 25th...cause that's my birthday.
I'm competing level 6 USAG next fall.

Bars: cast handstand, tuck flyaway, clear hip-clear hip, giant on strap bar, baby giant on regular bar, do our straddle back drill better.

Beam: BHS on low beam (by myself with no mats), BWO-BWO on low beam consistently, FWO on low beam, handstand-BWO on high beam, better BWOs in general...cartwheel-back tuck dismount, front pike dismount, handstand full pirouette/consistent half pirouette, start working stag leaps.

Floor: FHS-front tuck, FHS-flyspring consistently, roundoff-back handspring-back layout, double turn, start working stag leaps, standing back tuck off a panel mat by myself.

Vault/Tramp: good Yurchenko timers onto a resi mat (I always land too low!), handspring half, good tsuk timers.
I guess my date will be March 25th...cause that's my birthday.
I'm competing level 6 USAG next fall.

Bars: cast handstand, tuck flyaway, clear hip-clear hip, giant on strap bar, baby giant on regular bar, do our straddle back drill better.

Beam: BHS on low beam (by myself with no mats), BWO-BWO on low beam consistently, FWO on low beam, handstand-BWO on high beam, better BWOs in general...cartwheel-back tuck dismount, front pike dismount, handstand full pirouette/consistent half pirouette, start working stag leaps.

Floor: FHS-front tuck, FHS-flyspring consistently, roundoff-back handspring-back layout, double turn, start working stag leaps, standing back tuck off a panel mat by myself.

Vault/Tramp: good Yurchenko timers onto a resi mat (I always land too low!), handspring half, good tsuk timers, better front layout half off tramp, back layouts into the pit.

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