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Moderator/Proud Parent
Well, we got our schedule for DD's first meet next weekend - she goes Sunday @ 8:30am which is GREAT news since her first soccer game and team picture is Saturday morning.

I was sure that as a L3 she would get a Saturday morning time slot and have to miss her very first soccer game and her team picture. But the prayers worked, we get to do both :D
Good luck to your DD! Hope you'll be able to get her into that bed early the night before her meet, after Saturday's excitement! She'll have a blast doing all of it, I'm sure. :)
That is great news - you definitely got lucky on that one !!

Good luck to her at her first meet of the season and her very first soccer game. :)
That is great! Good luck to her at her first soccer game and the meet!:):)
Good Luck! Let us know how both of them go!!

Will do. She is very excited - In soccer she wants to be a defender.

I am looking forward to her meet. I am anxious to see how she does. This will be her first meet since she got her Mill Circle (have I said how much I hate that thing :D ). She did not get until about a month after their last meet in the spring.
The scheduling fairy was certainly sitting on your shoulder. DD will have time to really enjoy her soccer and then you have a break to get her ready for the meet the next day. I'm sure she'll have a blast getting to do both next weekend. Let us know if you can see straight come Sunday night.

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