Great article/website for fears and gymnastics

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This site seems to provide similar services as Doc Ali does, just a different Doc.

Lots of great information on the site for gymnastics and lots of other sports. There is info for the athlete, coaches and parents. :)
Great Articles.

I know we have been through ssome bad fear things and i am sure they will crop up agin new tecniques are always helpful!!

Thanks Mariposa! Great links! I've visted them before( I've been to every fear/mental block site in existance,lol!). Lots of useful advice in these links you've posted. Thanks for sharing!
Awesome post Mariposa!!! My dd still struggles with the backward tumbling...going on the 3rd year now. But I feel that she has so many other strengths in the gymnastics that it isn't really that much of an issue right now. The league she is in allows spots at meets and you can interchange skills. I think in Level C (Level 7) you can get away with NO backward tumbling at all with the skill substitutions!!!
Ooops, one was meant for MDs sticky thread. Posted it over there, too. I got confused. LOL.

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