Fast forward, we are moving. She will probably not get to compete again this fall. Her new gym does not think she needs to spend all year plus next fall working on L5. So she will move onto training L6. They don't do full seasons of 6 as the norm. The feel that the moves in the L6 bar routine do more harm than good, so they move on as soon as the score is there. So she would do maybe 1 more meet as a 5, as many as needed as a 6 and go from there.
A serious red flag is going off here for me! Any coach who would say that they feel that the moves in the L6 bar do more harm, I have to hear the reasoning behind this!
Kip - Clear Hip to HS (if you are really good, I'm saying beyond required degree) - Long hang kip - tap swing in the baby giant. Please tell me where the harm is? These 4 skills alone are essential for any optional routine (tap in the baby giant, creates the correct tap for giants).
When you get to the higher levels, bars is like a sport in itself.
If it were me making the move, I'd take a good, hard look at how this new gym scored in bars especially in the higher levels. Is it possible that the new gym made the comment about L6 bars because they know it seems to be J's struggle. Did you ever ask why they thought that a standard routine that USAG put out to an entire nation caused more harm than good? It just doesn't seem right to me.
I think J is a very good, young gymnast with raw talent. I'm sure any gym would love to have her and would probably say anything to you the parent to get you to bring her to their gym, but think long and hard about where you take her. You want her to reach her fullest potential and you have to be willing to question a coach when they make statements that are sort of out there.
She needs to be somewhere where the staff will focus on basics and form. She is young enough that going through the levels will just happen. If you push too quick what will happen is she will get to L8 and she won't progress, you'll end up taking her to a different gym, a better one, no doubt and the staff will take her back to doing basics because she can't progress with her current basics/form. Basics are a necessity, whether it's at L4, 5 & 6, like they should be or if she has to go back and re-learn at L8 or 9. You will never regret learning the basics while she is in compulsories, you will get frustrated if she has to learn them when she is a L9.
I do wish J the best of luck. I sincerely hope that you were just paraphrasing what the coaches said about the harm L6 bars cause, I simply can't image a USAG coach saying that. If that be the case, please accept my apology.