Yes, I do the "two braid" bun. Actually, I do a "two twist" bun, which I think looks really pretty. The trick to the twist is that you have to twist the individual sections in the opposite direction as you are wrapping them together. So while I'm doing it I'm telling myself "twist to the right, cross over to the left, twist to the right, cross over to the left." If you twist and cross in the same direction, it will unwind immediately. I use a hair net to keep it all together, which makes it less pretty because it kind of squishes it. The last few meets her bun came loose inside the net. I do have those "hair screws", so maybe I'll have to try them. I didn't trust them enough to try them out on a meet day. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong that the bun keeps coming un-bunned? I stick a bunch of bobby pins in it and use lots of hair gloop/spray. Is there a trick to bobbypinning a bun so that it won't come out? I never trust myself enough not to use the hair net because I'm not confident that the bun will stay in.