We have fun with halloween too. My oldest is a Halloween baby so we try to work with her whims. She would love the bride corpse costume. I wish I was so creative! Our gym hosts a Halloween meet (which doesn't conflict with the actual date. Hooray!) and it has been fun doing the costumes with all the moms this year. It is level 4 - 10 and each level has a category. Last year 5's were mummies. The mom in charge (mic) came up with 101 dalmations. So we wrapped them up in polka dot mummy outfits with little tails and ears. The coach who walked them out was dressed as Cruela de Vil. He really vamped it up and it brought down the house. The opts do amazing things with their category bc the numbers are smaller and normally the gymnasts come up with their own ideas. The mic for this year is so creative - she has the cutest idea for witches. I will post pics after the meet!