one time in my life in elite sports (athete, coach) someone complained seriously about a coach (germany, another sport). it was a very successful, very tough and very loving coach. everything looked perfect, even felt perfect if you trained in one of his sessions while not being the victim. very tough, but not abusive in the least. really not in the least. i was 19 years old back then and i would have any kid let go with this guy at any given moment. my own coach trusted him totally, he was just a great guy allaorund. turns out one of the kids he abused opened up to his parents, they went to the police, investigations started and a few weeks later he got arrested because they could trace back over 100 cases of sexual abuse of athletes back to him. he confessed and is in prison to this day, made national news bigtime. i was there in the training hall when they arrested him and i did not believe any of the accusations that we heard about the next morning. i thought this can not be true, must be one injured, bitter not successful junior athlete who tries to take out his dissapointment on not making it big time on his former coach. boy, was i and were we wrong. glad someone believed this kid and started a serious investigations. otherwise he would never ever have been caught.
so please believe athletes reporting any sort of abuse. witch hunts are not the usual outcomes of such scenarios. arressted abusers are the usual outcome.
so please believe athletes reporting any sort of abuse. witch hunts are not the usual outcomes of such scenarios. arressted abusers are the usual outcome.