Parents Have you ever.....

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We have another meet this weekend, still secretly hoping for a blow out.
Had another gym mom drive you so crazy that you start to hope your kid outscores her kid by quite a margin just because your tired of her comments. I have never felt this way before but she is driving me crazy with all her passive aggressive comments. Comparing gymnasts, analyzing practice, I hate it. Especially since her kids are awesome. I don't go to practice for a reason, I don't need your play by play. Sorry for the rant. I just had to get it off my chest before I flipped out on her.
I have not had this experience until this year. Up until this point, our gym experience has been filled with wonderful, supportive families at DD's level who truly all just wished success on every girl. But we lost the majority of the girls from DD's level after L8 and only three of us remain. DD is repeating the level due to injury, and we now feel like the outsiders on our own team. There is one mom in particular who seems way, way over the top, whose DD just happens to be the same age as mine. I had heard whispers of how loony she was and after a few close brushes with her I have learned that I have to avoid, avoid, avoid. I feel like the woman probably wishes ill will on my DD. I just can't deal with it. I would love for my DD to cream her DD but I have to keep reminding myself that we are NOT those people and that is not a good way to respond to the crazy.
Like you all say, I think it's important not to get drawn into the competition that these parents are seeking. I just try not to take their narkiness personally and focus on what my daughter is focussing on for each meet. I'm not saying it's enjoyable, in fact I hate going to those meets where it feels like everyone wants your gymnast to do badly just to prove that they don't deserve to be where they are, but I just try and focus on why we are there.

If it's any consolation, those parents are at other sports too. I've seen them at soccer and basketball and football and hockey over the years. My son plays under 18's soccer and he was telling me yesterday a parent from the opposing team was yelling abuse at our team's goalie (who is just 16 years old). The goalie spoke to the referee and pointed out the offending parent who was told to pull his head in. Ten minutes later it started again... At what point does anyone think yelling abuse at a kid who is just doing his job is allowable?

At least in gymnastics the bitter parents seem to keep it away from the kids...
I just can't deal with it. I would love for my DD to cream her DD but I have to keep reminding myself that we are NOT those people and that is not a good way to respond to the crazy.

This. Some days this is easier than others. I genuinely wish all of the girls on her team well, because they're good kids. And I even usually like the moms - They're likely just excited for their kids, and I'm hoping they're just being a little insensitive, and not malicious, but who knows.

Time will probably tell as they progress, if my DD sticks with gym (she's progressing faster in cheer just competing rec, and next year can't compete both as seasons will conflict).

One mom I feel is either extremely unaware and not at all careful in her speech, or she is perhaps malicious - she at one time very heavily implied that my DD just isn't one of the talented ones, unlike her DD's whole training group. This may very well be true (probably is), but goodness! Who says that?! :confused:

It's the same vein as how I felt last state meet. I'd really, really hoped for my DD that she'd be completely "on" and win AA. I knew she'd need to have the meet of her life, but also that it was theoretically attainable. She'd wanted so badly to win the meet for her team. She didn't, and that's totally ok. That said, I could never have wished for the "other girl" (from diff gym, who won AA) to fall. I'd just hoped a little that my DD would have been a tiny bit better than her for the day... Just once.

Hope your DD has a great season, regardless of whether any "creaming" or wishes to "cream" exist. :-)
have a glass of wine. they're EVERYWHERE. :)

and BTW, there are coaches just like this also.
We just saw some heinous coaches at the last daughter talked to me afterwards about how they screamed at their kids in the warmups before EACH unnerved her a bit, but luckily this has happened before (not this extreme though). I can only imagine how these coaches run their practices if they are yelling like this at a more public place as a meet....:eek::eek::confused:
Oh there is definitely parents like this in other sports/activities/passions as well. My other DD is a dancer. DanceMoms, anyone..? ;)
Well I am glad to report I have not totally gone over to the dark side. It was a pretty good meet for our team and DD showed improvement over the last meet, which is always the goal. She got a nice trophy as well.

My buddies DD had a decent meet but came in about where she was last time and left upset as she was the only one to come away without any places or bling. I didn't feel any of those mean feelings I was earlier in the week. When I saw her little face I actually felt crappy for ever thinking it and gave her a big hug and complimented her. I hope she kicks butt at the next meet. Her mom may drive me a little batty but she works hard at practice and she should feel good about herself.
have a glass of wine. they're EVERYWHERE. :)

and BTW, there are coaches just like this also.


I have to tell you our team came in 2nd and the coach of the first place team actually had his girls start chanting "We are #1, we beat (insert name of our gym). Alright girls let me see those #1 signs with your fingers as he was dancing around. It was the most bizarre thing I have ever seen. My dd was cracking up over the craziness of it.
Dd was at a meet this weekend (her team is mainly 7 year olds) and the host gym team took first place. The girls were at least 12 years old and screamed and hollered for at least two minutes after they won first place....then the parents chimed in....this is all while the coaches were screaming and jumping too. It was unbelievable, our little didn't know what to make of it. Lol.

I have to tell you our team came in 2nd and the coach of the first place team actually had his girls start chanting "We are #1, we beat (insert name of our gym). Alright girls let me see those #1 signs with your fingers as he was dancing around. It was the most bizarre thing I have ever seen. My dd was cracking up over the craziness of it.

isn't that great when an adult embarassssssssses them self in front of kids and the kids know what that is? i think that's awesome! tell your kid great pick up!! :) LOL

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