Parents Heel cups?

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Proud Parent
May 25, 2012
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My 11 year old level 6 has been complaining of heel pain lately and her coach told her to get some heel cups. I was searching a googling and I'm not sure exactly what to order? Any advice?
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They are cheetah cups... and these come with ankle support too. Some are One Size (adjustable) and others come in sizes based on weight or shoe size.
My daughter has struggled with severs for over a year. The only thing that keeps her tunneling is her heel cups. We are on our 4th pair. If your daughter has heel pain they may help.
My DD has severs also. She uses the adjustable cheetah cup and it makes a huge difference. I ordered her right from amazon.
We have found the sized ones to be better than the one size fits all (Tuli's cheetahs have both options). DD's been in one now for about 2 years. It really makes a difference!

My one caution would be to make sure it's Severs and not a stress fracture. Heel cups are great for Severs. Not so much for stress fractures.

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