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Deleted member D3987

I'm alive and well. Had some deaths in the family. 2 new grandchildren. and the day job overloaded. things have seemed to calm down so i hope to be on more frequent now.

thank you to a few that sent me Christmas Cards. it was much appreciated. shhhh...
Welcome back! So sorry to hear about the deaths in your family, but congratulations on the new additions. I hope all the busy in your workplace has been good busy!
That really is the circle of life Dunno. Sorry for your losses and a huge congrats on those new grandbabies.
Welcome back, Sorry for your losses and congrats on the new grand babies. Glad to hear everything at work has slowed down.
Welcome back a Dunno, we have missed you. I'm sorry for your losses and congrats on your grand babies. New little ones are the best!
Welcome back! You have been missed. What a roller coaster of emotions. So sorry to hear about the losses, but hope you are enjoying the new grandbabies :) Good to see you!
It is good to see you post again. I am sorry for your losses, happy for your joys, and hope you are at peace with what life has dealt you and brought you.
Good to see you around again. You've been missed! Sorry to hear about your losses, but new babies are wonderful fun. :)
I had been wondering where you were. Sorry for your losses and congratulations on the grand babies!

Hope the daytime job stays calm for a long while.
Glad to see you back -hope this year has the joys of the new babies without the grief of last years losses.

And hope work is less busy in a good way☺
You have been missed! Congrats on the new family additions, sorry for your losses..! Circle of life for sure...
Good to see you back. I am so sorry for your loss, and congratulations on the new little ones!
So sorry to hear about the deaths in your family. So happy for the blessings! Enjoy the babies...they grow too fast!
Hi, there! So sorry to hear about your losses. But wow, congrats on the grandbabies!

We missed you!!

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