Parents Help with leo

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Proud Parent
Oct 26, 2007
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My DD got her competition leo on Tuesday. Her first meet is this weekend. The leo is too small. Its so tight that is leaves red marks on her shoulders, hip and crotch. We got an email from the gym yesterday saying not to worry that they would stretch out like last years leos and not to worry that and yes the leg was supposed to be high cut. Then last night I got a call from the coach asking how the leo fit and I told her it was leaving red marks on her body and she told me to strech out each seam for 30 min and that when the optional girls did that they fit better. Well I stretched the leo for hours last night and I think it only made a small difference. It is also very high cut. DD has always woren bikini undies and they have never shown. But this is ridiculous. There is a least on inch of underwear that shows in the front. I tried a high cut gym breif and its the same thing. I had her try on a pair of her 4 year old sisters high cut bikini underwear and finally something that might work. It show just a little. I think at this point she is going to have to go without underwear. Doesn't this leo sound way to little and tight to you. At this point I don't know what to do. What can I do to make this better since she first meet is just days away?
Ouch! If it was GK, it sounds like they should have ordered extended torso, which only cost $3 more. Unfortunately, it's too late for that now.

Our coach didn't order the high cut, because she doesn't think it's appropriate for young kids. Sounds like that was a good choice of hers. Even with regular cut, lots of girls go without underwear, until they are older at least.

I would try to contact the supplier. They often say don't hand-wash and hang dry, maybe that would help stretch it some? Lots of gyms order comp leos small because they don't want to see wrinkles at meets. It may make the gymnast look like they are not tight. Has she been wearing it around the house trying to stretch it?

The end of dd 1st year, she leo was leaving red marks because she had grown a little. It usually only bothered her when the meet was done, because she was too focused at the meet to notice. Hopefully that will happen to your dd.

Good luck to your DD.
Perhaps you can find another gymmie in the gym who would lend you their leo for this meet. NOt all girls will be in the same session.

My DD's leo was a poor fit for the first meet, sleeves too short and tight, but area too big. SHe competed in it, but now it is back at the seamstresses being altered.

If your DD's leo is too uncomfortable she is going to have a hard time focussing on the meet.
Have you seen the fit of another childs leo - are they fitted all the same. It sounds too small to me - doesn't sound like it will last the season. I dont think a new leo should leave marks. Did the club do the measuring. I would try and get her to try on the next size up and see how that looks. If it is better I would try and borrow one for this weekend and make the club return it/ replace it. Maybe some of the others don't fit right either and you can all 'shunt them down' to smaller kids.

I hope you can get through this meet and sort it out - what a shame.
It sounds too small to me. Did they "fit" her for it? I know that a woman came to our gym from GK and did fittings and ordered the sizes for the girls. One of DDs friends has a more stocky build and I don't think the woman took it into account at all. Hers leaves huge red marks as well. I would be asking for an exchange if they were "fitted" for it. I don't think you can stretch it very far. If it is too small, it is too small.

When is her first meet? Is it too late for an exchange? Did they not order any extras? Could she wear another girls as Bog said?
It just figures, doesn't it:rolleyes:! I guess my question is the same as everyone elses - Did someone actually fit them? Did the supplier send you sample leos for try ons? Ours did, and it worked out great, because many kids ended up in smaller sizes then they normally wear.

At this point, I would go with Bog's suggestion and see if you can find one to use for this meet. Maybe you can return it if it was actually fitted and came the wrong size.

Regardless of how the leo problem works out, good luck at dd's first meet! My advice for you is to not forget to BREATHE!!!!! I have that problem at meets;)!
Her first meet is in 3 days! The company sent stock leos for the girls to try on. There are problably no girls to exchange with as she is one of the smallest. I am looking at the rest of her her leos and the legs on this one is is tight and stiff. The coach told me that the seams at the crotch and hip is double stitched and thats why it feels too small. It definatley looks double stitched. Do you think I could try to take out one set of stitches myself?
I'd be afraid to take out the stitching. You wouldn't want to have something rip! :eek: A higher level mom at my gym once told me her daughter's leo was too small so she hung it on a hanger with a large can of vegetables (or whatever) in the crotch to help stretch it over time. It worked for her. Maybe it would work for you without ruining it. Good luck!
I'd be afraid to take out the stitching. You wouldn't want to have something rip! :eek: A higher level mom at my gym once told me her daughter's leo was too small so she hung it on a hanger with a large can of vegetables (or whatever) in the crotch to help stretch it over time. It worked for her. Maybe it would work for you without ruining it. Good luck!

Good Idea - Definitely worth trying:)!
I hope you figure something out. I would try the can of veggies thing. Can't hurt.

Good luck to her at her first meet! How exciting for her! My DD has her first one of this season (and the first one she is actually ready for!) next weekend.
The stock leos are usually so well "tryed on" that it is difficult to get the correct size.

if there are no other leos you can trade for, I would take the leo and your DD to a seamstress and just see if anything can be clipped, etc to make the leo fit better. maybe she can snip a couple of stitches in the wrists to make them looser or perhaps put a gusset in the crotch to make the legs fit better. Try to find someone w/dance costume or figure skating costume experience to look at the leo for you

Other than trying the can of veggies idea I would not do any of the altering myself.

Good Luck to your DD at her first meet!
Ok leo is hanging in the basement with family size can of tomato soup in the crotch. I am willing to try anything! (safe of course)
Ok leo is hanging in the basement with family size can of tomato soup in the crotch. I am willing to try anything! (safe of course)

Maybe you could persaude a larger person to wear the suit for a few hours, Dad maybe. If you manage it, we want photos!
Maybe you could persaude a larger person to wear the suit for a few hours, Dad maybe. If you manage it, we want photos!

ROTFLMAO, I've seen this before! Last year we went to a Rutgers College gymnastics meet and there was a dude sitting behind us a couple seats up on the bleachers wearing a red leotard! My DD (6 at the time) kept looking at him and asking "mommy, why is that guy wearing a leotard? Does he take gymnastics too?" and all I could do was scratch my head. I suppose her was trying to show team support? He was "supported" all right but it was NOT attracticve at all and not around my DD and her team mates.

Stick with the family can of tomatos, LOL

FYI, I would NOT be happy about my DD having to wear a too small leotard either. My DD would go NUTS as she hates things that are too tight or restrictive. I would be upset I had to spend $$ on something I wouldn't get a lot of use out of. We've been lucky my DD has been in the same size (CM) for over 3 yrs now, but this new come leo I hope will last her thru next season too. Our gym makes sure the girls are measured and also try on sample sizes BEFORE anything is ordered. Extras are usually purchased just in case. Sounds like someone was rushing to get an order in before checking with parents and measuring first.
In defense of the person ordering--it is tricky. I helped measure kids last year with another mom and we then used the GK sizing chart to determine kids sizes. Several kids had leos that were pretty tight and didn't last a second year. One issue is that all the different materials stretch a different amount and then the cut can also affect the fit--look on a rack of leos and you can see the difference in lengths as they hang even when they are all the same size. Even using the sizing leos doesn't help because again it is not the same fabric as your comp one--plus they are used a lot and stretched out. My own child wore an child x-small last year and is still using it this year though it is "snug". However, when we tried on one a size up this year it was bagging in the back and almost falling off her shoulders. Point being, it is difficult to get the sizes right even when you do try and if you are like us, we order in Oct, start competing in Dec and wear thru March so if you are on the upper end of the measurements and then grow you may have an issue.
I just hate ordering new leos ours came in the week of her 1st meet also and when I picked it up I notice they gave me the next size up and I told the lady she told me to take it home and tried well no way to big luckly the lady that appeartenly got ours called in and we exchanged them.Both of my dd's comp leo's have been GK and both are long in the arms anybody else have that problem or is my kids arms to short for her body?How Is the soup doing?
The sleeves are really long on my dd too. I always said she has short arms and blamed that on her why she had so much trouble with her shoot thru in level 4... hehe. Anyway, she wore a CM for level 4 and 5. Her l6 new leo is axs. She will get several years out of this leo. Just the arms are long. It is hard to believe, but she still fits in the CM (both are gk). It is all just varying degrees of streatchiness.
Just as an FYI

You can order a short or long torso from GK. The difference is $3.00. The DD is 11, but is very thin. She wears a CL in practice leo's, but for her comp has a CM with extended torso. She wore a CM last year, and adding the extended torso has made a huge difference (not sure how much it adds exactly, but is was longer than the regular CM). If we had gotten the CL, it would have been baggy in the back and in the crotch area (noticable when doing splits). I always try to be there for sizing, otherwise she may have gotten the CL. If I'm buying, I want a say. Her warm-ups are big, but they are cover-ups, so that's ok. I don't mind if I have to buy a new leo next year, I'll just try to sell hers from this year. I figure she usually needs new clothes every year, so it's not unreasonable to think she will need a new leo that fits.
We had the same problem one year and I completely wet DD's suit down then stretched it with weights while it was hanging until it was just damp then I made the poor thing put the suit on while damp and stuffed balled up socks and other clothes in the shoulders. She wore it until it was dry and it really helped.

I'd try most of the stretching at the shoulders. If the crotch is already too high then putting weight at the crotch is going to increase it even further.
I always said she has short arms and blamed that on her why she had so much trouble with her shoot thru in level 4... hehe.
You know there must be some truth to that my dd is having such a rough time with her shoot thru also .

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