Keep in mind that we practice 2.5 hours x 3 days a week… with a 10 minute munchie break each day, so including warm up, stretching, and conditioning, we practice a MAXIMUM of 7 hours a week. Girls do not compete unsafe skills, but they may (and often do) have form issues that we work on during practice.
From 2008-09 season through this season, here are our team's highest scores per level:
Old L4 - 37.100 … … Old L5 - 36.750 … … Old L6 - 35.225
L3 - 36.375 … … L4 - 35.800 … … L5 - 34.350
L6 - 36.675 … … L7 - 36.350 … … L8 - 34.375
XG - 36.800 … … XP - 33.675 (only ever had 2 girls that competed XP - different seasons).
Due to circumstances beyond our control, OG and YG have RARELY even been able to go to practice the full time all 3 days. Sometimes, they went 3 days, but had to leave 30 minutes early each day. Other times, they were limited to 1 or 2 days a week. Even on those weeks, sometimes they had to leave early. I think in all the years they have been on team, they may have practiced a full week the full time no more than 100 weeks (out of 300+ weeks for OG and 230+ weeks for YG).
HC understands the circumstances and allows it as long as they can compete safely.
YG competed Old L4 (2 years), L3, and XG. Her highest scores were, in order: 32.700, 32.950, and 35.300.
OG competed Old L4 (2 years)-L6, XG (2 years), and L6 (after 2 years off gym). Her highest scores were: 34.800, 33.500, 31.000, 35.750, and 34.950.