Hip problems :(

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Oct 5, 2008
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(Sorry for long story!!)
I quit gym when i was 13 then went back when i was 16. When i went back i was so excited about it that i went straight back into training and pushed myself too hard and in some way damaged my hip. It 'pops' a lot when i lower it mainly... It was particuarly bad doing forwards walkovers, and at one point i couldnt lift my leg and it was very painful to walk. After rest, it gets better. Depending on how bad it is it usually takes about a week of total rest to be ok again. As my gym started going downhill i was training less and less and it became much less of a problem infact wasn't a problem atal.
I just joined a new gym club and had my first day of practise on Saturday and i trained harder than i've ever trained! Now my hip has been hurting a bit again and popping. It's not just that but when it gets like this it 'feels' weak aswell :S
I have training again tomorrow and i'm so worried that this is gonna be so much of a problem that i have to quit. I don't want to do myself damage but i'm not ready to quit yet :( (i'm 18 now btw and this is my last year of gymnastics)
I don't know my coach properly yet and i wouldn't know how to tell her cause i just have a dodgy hip really!
Any ideas on what it may be, what i can do to help it, etc.? Quitting really isn't an option yet
also might add that splits seem to make it worse - which sucks as i was intending on really working on my flexibility :(
it's hard to describe but it feels really weak and feels like if i lift it it'll just pop and then collapse!
Go and get it checked out. It is a recurring probelem so I doubt it will just go away. My oldest had hip pain and popping and it turned out tight muscles on the left side of her back were throwing her hips out of alignment and that caused the problem. A bit of physio and home stretching and she is right as rain.

If you continue to train on something like this you can cause other issues in the rest of your body, let alone take the fun out of gym.
Thanks i may go get it checked out, i'm just worried they'll tell me to quit gym. I bet they will :(

When it pops it doesnt hurt but the more it pops then pain develops... and gets worse and worse until i totally rest it till it's gone then it starts again from the beginning.
They won't tell you to quit, but they will tell you it needs dealing with. It is amzing what a bit of physio and targeted excercise at home can do. Do tell your coach though, then you can back off on the vault/tumbling. Your coach does not want you in pain.

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