Horrible Meet

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So today i went to my meet. It doesn't count for anything, so it was just supposed to be a "fun" meet. I was excited because one of the coaches that i worked out with this summer was there. So we went to vault, and my tsuks were kinda low and stuff, and i got a 8.95. A little lower than usual, but not too bad. Then we went to bars. I did my rountine good unitl my freehip to hand. I didn't quite make it over, so i did a half pierouette and then a switchkip and then a handstand. in the middle of my hand stand, i realized that my grip was coming undone! I did my two giants to my double flyaway and stuck it. 8.95, again. Then we went to beam. I did my mount, then my jumps and didn't connect them with a large wobble inbetween. Then i did my BHS layout stepout. i did it, and when i came down i only got my right big toe on the beam. Everything else missed. I crotched the beam, and noticed that my toe was huting really bad. i got back up and continued my routine only to find out that i couldn't go up on my toe or point my toe. Grr... So i did my full turn on kinda toe. Then i did a really low double stag jump into a really low backtuck and fell again. Then i did my RO 1/1 dismount which was also low. My score was a 8.1, and i was in tears by the end of my routine. It hurt really bad, and we still had floor left. My coach just thought i was pissed, even though everyone was looking at the big lump on the side of my foot. (she's a little oblivious to the world but thats another story) So i tried to make it feel better, but failed. I ended up scratching floor. I got a 26.0 for an all around, but of course they only do all around places which i obviously didn't place in, so i was kinda mad. I am usually a top scorer for my team, so my beam and non existent floor scores didn't help at all. We still got 1st place as a team, but not by much, and it was an easy competition. So now i'm just icing my foot and hoping it gets better. I'm pretty sure i didn't break anything, but i pulled stuff and probably strained some stuff. dad says that he's gonna take me to a podiatrist to get it looked at because i only have 3 weeks till state.
Overall it was just a really bad day.
Awww, I'm so sorry you had such a terrible meet! Considering your grip was coming undone, (of course I didn't see but....) I think you did really well on bars. I hope your toe feels better, take it easy so you can kick some butt at state!
:big hug: i'm sorry to hear about that. don't beat yourself up too bad, 8s are still not bad scores! i know that doesn't mean much though when you're mad for not competing your best. i hope your toe gets better!!! i've been dealing with ear infections (they started getting worse since i got my hearing aids and being in the gym makes them even more worse lol) and finally got surgery to have tubes put in to stop the infections. it really messed up my balance and routines for awhile. but i gave myself some time to heal and then got back in the gym and trained super hard, focusing on things like my beam routine and body placement and floor rhythm that got messed up. hopefully you can do the same and be good to go by state. you sound like an AWESOME gymnast. good luck, i'm sending get well soon thoughts your way.
you sound like an AWESOME gymnast.
Thanks, i try. lol. my foot is even bigger today, which i didn't thnk was possible. I usually don't swell for anything. (i've sprained knees, ankles, broke my finger...) And my foot is huge. i iced it forever, but it hurts worse today than it did yesterday. i was walking on the very side of my foot yesterday, but i can't even do that today because the swelling puts too much pressure on it, and it hurts too bad. I have no idea how i finished my beam routine. I'm thinking it was really good considering i can't even walk now. Grr! I'm going to go to the doctor either today or tomorrow and hopefully they can make it feel better. i just hope its not broken...
Sorry to hear that- but looking on the bright side, your team won and at least it wasn't a big meet (you're going to have to fall sometimes, and a meet where there's not really much at stake is the best time to do it). Just keep working hard and training the way you always do (we all know how hard you work), next time will be much better.

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