1. Pay judges. These are not supplied by a club. They are certified by USAG.
2. Pay per gymnast head tax to USAG.
3. Pay the rental fee for the competition space. For instance, both clubs I have been a part of are run out of state-owned gymnasiums. Want to have a meet there, pay a couple thousand dollars to the state. No exceptions, whether you’re “the home gym”, or some random other gym.
4. Pay to feed coaches, judges, etc.
5. Pay other costs as matters your operation... printing programs, medals, gifts, what have you.
6. Factor in enough to generate a profit for the home club as this is the purpose of hosting the meet to begin with.
The above list is not conclusive. I’m sure there are other line items I missed that would make sense. I have tangential experience with hosted meets... and while I was not the person who ran the thing, I picked some info up.
And also, USAG sets guidelines for how much an Invitational meet should cost (though I’m unsure how hard and fast these are). I seem to remember the range was between $75-$125 per registered gymnast? And it has been my experience that much st meets here fall firmly in there. So, it’s likely to me that whatever the cost list may be, meets here cost what they do because that’s what the market will bear.
Doesn’t really matter then how many medals get given out. No point in moralizing on that detail?