How I know the Chinese gymnasts

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OMG they just lost a few of their front teeth I lost those whean i was 11 an 12 !teeth can say a thousand words thou!I don,t care about what they say i will never bealive there 16 but still think about it if there 10 an they beat us ?thats weird!!!!!!!!
OMG they just lost a few of their front teeth I lost those whean i was 11 an 12 !teeth can say a thousand words thou!I don,t care about what they say i will never bealive there 16 but still think about it if there 10 an they beat us ?thats weird!!!!!!!!

As an american coach here in China, I did have my doubts as all you do before I came here. I currently work with the wife of the Chinese national team coach and work with three national team members. One of whom was world champion on bars recently and on the Beijing team. When I first met them I thought they were in jr. high school but these are RETIRED, millionaire gymnasts now turned university students who have worked incredibly hard and have achieved more than they could ever had imagined if it were not for the sport of gymnastics! Infact, I walk the streets here and most of the middle aged women look as if they are teenagers. I would encourage all people not to judge how old someone is just because you feel it is unfair that they are genetically predestined to be smaller and look younger. Is it jealousy? I would say heck yes, I'm a little jealous of the fact that I'm nearing age 30 and there are chinese women who have the face and skin of a teenager!

I feel it silly that there even is an age limit for this sport. I watched Jordyn Weiber win the 2009 Tyson Cup at age 13 by almost a whole point over Bridget Sloan. Who cares her age, she was the best.

As to other sports, swimming and diving have no age regulation.

just my two cents
Yes, they look young for their ages (it's genetic) but at a certain point you need to stop drinking the kool aid.

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