Every week at practice, we have lists, which are basically what they sound. For each event, it says exactly what we need to do. Helps our coach, for some reason. Then she can focus on coaching, and not telling us what to do, perhaps. They have varying things on them in the summer, and even every week they are a little different. An average one would go like this:
(There are also specific skills to work, I'm just saying the amount of routines on the lists)
2 low bar routines
missed or worst skill, 5 times in a row or 10 times
2 high bar routines
missed skill or worst skill, 5 times in a row or 10 times
2 full routines
(There are also specific skills to work, I'm just saying the amount of routines)
3 times first half of routine
7 times missed or wobbled skill
3 times last half without dismount
7 times missed or wobbled skill
10 dismounts, at least half have to be without mats/pads over the beam for roundoffs.
FLOOR (We have a VERY hard floor, it's bouncy, but very tough on the ankles)
1 routine with tuck jumps across the floor for each pass
1 routine with RO BHS Back layout for each pass
1 routine with full tumbling (We stop the music for each pass to go to the tumble strip into mats stacked in the pit, which is a lot softer than the floor)
sometimes we do drills, but usually it's just...
10 vaults
if you stick all 10, you can go do trampoline drills. If not, you have to do 5 more (Which usually takes up the remainder of vault time. Great incentive to stick!)
Also, the practice before meets, we play "the meet game" where we divide into teams, and get points for showing our routines to the whole gym. It's a lot of fun!
The lists work out well for our team. Granted, the younger girls can't be trusted with them, because they have been known to cheat on the numbers. Level 8's and up use the lists. The conditioning for each event is also on the list.
Phew! I'm a little long winded today, apparently!

Sorry about that!!!