Parents How often do you measure...

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Proud Parent
Feb 11, 2014
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how tall your kiddo is? Odd question, I know... and I feel like a terrible mother for even asking... But I read a lot of responses on here that make it sound as if I am really slacking! lol

As some of you know, DD is struggling a bit recently (below is from another thread of mine in a social group)

First, it was the BWO on beam. She had it. She has it. More than capable of doing it and was doing it routinely since last spring. Then this late summer/early fall - POOF! Gone. Scared to death of it. So much so, she will AGAIN compete a CW on beam at her second level 6 meet this weekend. (but she DID do it beautifully in her one score out meet for lvl 5 a few weeks ago) She can do it with a coach standing RIGHT there (not touching her)... but coach moves away and she has been balking again. So coach said no more until SHE feels ready. I think she believes she can skip doing one altogether forever, yet she has no interest in training her BHS either now (even though she had been practicing it last spring as well). She tells me - "I think I am gonna fall on my head".

Then at her first level 6 meet two weekends ago - out of nowhere - wanted coach to "stand by her" for her ROBHS - BT on floor during warm ups. Coach didn't feel comfortable with that - so she competed ROBHS x2 instead. She has been practicing them all week - but coach is standing there - so we shall see.

Anyhow, I sit here and wonder - maybe this is a growth issue as some have suggested, or maybe a true fear/block developing or... who the heck knows. But I measured DD last night and she is 51 inches... and when we went to Disney World just shy of 1 yr ago, she was 48 in. on the nose.

So how often do you all measure your kiddos? I was always 1x a year at well-child checks, but thinking I need to pay a bit closer attention to it now! And since she refuses to wear jeans, and only wears stretchy leggings, it is hard to tell what she is growing out of!
3 inches is a lot for a gymmie in one year- I measure her all the time- I want her to grow so badly! She is 9 years old and stuck at just under 49-- she needs some length! I would say every 6 months is pretty normal though- or when their pants look too short =)
I'm constantly monitoring J's growth. I've done it since she was a baby diagnosed with failure to thrive. I'm always making sure she's still on HER growth curve. So to answer your question, probably every 3 months or so. She has grown 1/4 in since Christmas! She usually grows that about every 6-8 months so she was pumped! But she still isn't 4 ft tall & turns 10 in a few days!
3 inches is a lot for a gymmie in one year- I measure her all the time- I want her to grow so badly! She is 9 years old and stuck at just under 49-- she needs some length! I would say every 6 months is pretty normal though- or when their pants look too short =)

DD is 8, and still the shortest on her team lol ...(well on the level 4 team she just moved from). But her feet have seemed to grow a size since school started... Bought her new shoes last night a full size bigger... Those little buggers haven't seemed to grow for a couple years!! Lol
I'm constantly monitoring J's growth. I've done it since she was a baby diagnosed with failure to thrive. I'm always making sure she's still on HER growth curve. So to answer your question, probably every 3 months or so. She has grown 1/4 in since Christmas! She usually grows that about every 6-8 months so she was pumped! But she still isn't 4 ft tall & turns 10 in a few days!

Okay, when i get home tonight I'm going to measure her more accurately (she was crabby and we did it quickly last night... and try to do it once a month for a little bit...
Measuring when cranky or moody? Oh man, I should probably do that soon then.

I usually measure her every couple months because my oldest is very much wanting to get out of her booster seat so she asks to be measured fairly regularly. Once I have the measuring tape out for one, I just go ahead and measure them all.
Twice a year, her birthday and at 6 months. Unless she asks then it might be more. Been doing it since she was 2. We have the wall chart in her room. She especially loves the 6 month point, I don't know why but she does. Probably because its summer and if she if going to have a growth spurt its usually in spring. I only plot her on her growth curve once a year.

Full measurements also 1x a year at gyms leo order time.

Lately in height she averages 2-2.5 inches a year, she has just turned 10.
her birthday (or there abouts) and her brothers' birthdays, cause as soon as you measure one, you have to measure them all, oh and if their cousin come round so she can see if she is "taller than Isy", who is nearly 19 but about 5' 2"
I would like to just measure her once a year because I do not want her getting anxious about her height.

In practice, I measure her about four times a year. I buy a lot of her clothes online so I measure before I order.

I just say 'you've grown' and she is generally happy with that but I only write the birthday measurement in her chart.
Never. They measure my kids at the Pedi's office once a year, and sometimes I have them stand up against the laundry room door and mark their names and the date, but I have no idea how tall either of them are. DD (8) has slowed down on the growth chart, which was mentioned at her last appointment, but I'm 5'2 and not terribly surprised if she ends up being around the same.
I thought we were still talking Dicks for a minute there :)

I thought it was hilarious that this thread was just listed right under the Dick thread. I think that anyone new here would have given that a second glance!

On topic, I measure when they've been eating a ton, or when it's near a bday/half bday, or when it just seems like they've grown.

In September, my DD had been eating a ton for a good week. I measured her, and there was no apparent growth since some four months prior. Two days later, I was doing her hair, and asked her why she was wearing shoes in the house... especially as as she's already getting "tall" for me to comfortably hairdress when we're standing. She thought it was hilarious as she wasn't wearing shoes. I measured her again, and she'd grown over 1" in two days.
DD has been hyper aware of her height ever since DS was tall enough for the water slides at the pool and she wasn't! She's the shortest on her team, but it looks like she's grown about 2 inches and some change this last year. She's almost 10 and last summer had finally hit 48 inches and now she just told me she is 50". So she's 50" and 50 lbs. LOL. She was never dx'd as failure to thrive but she did fall off the weight chart more than once. I've wondered if some of her struggles this year had to do with growing. I guess I'll have to watch and see.
I generally just measure her when she "looks tall". She looked a bit tall a couple weeks ago, so I measured her. Lo and behold, she was about 1.5" taller. My 8yo is now about 4'7-4'8". Her "growth curve" is usually about 3 inches a year.
J weighed under 6 pounds at birth (full term). She was 17 3/4 long. She lost several ounces those first few weeks, but ate regularly, was not fussy, did not have reflux. At 2 months old, she weighed 6.2 pounds. At 3 months, 7.0 pounds. No one could give us any answers other than failure to thrive. She didn't look healthy for the first 6-8 months. I weighed her probably twice a week. Looking back, she was just going to be small! She outweighs most of her friends that are taller than her. I stopped charting her weight when she made it on the charts, lol! We had a pre-screen done w/ an endocrinologist a couple years ago, but results were normal and any treatment would have been for cosmetic purposes only so we opted to just let her be short, but she is really hoping to hit the water slide height this year!!

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