Anon How often do your share your child’s accomplishments on your own social media

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As a different perspective - we don’t post anything with kiddos in on social media (aside from the odd hand or foot). We live a long way away from family but can direct message them videos with new achievements and routines.
Communication with your child and forward thinking is essential if your are posting photos and videos of them online.

Even on a private Facebook page once it’s out there it’s out there forever, even if you delete it.

Make sure your child is comfortable with what you are posting. They may not like the way they look in a photo or not want the world to see mistakes they have made.

If they are very young this takes parent discretion because they may be fine with it now but a few years down the track may be embarrassed by the content, which even if you delete, people may still have.

The other problem with social media posting can also be the issue with too much success early in. Lots of kids who are amazing as young kids, get a lot of social media attention for their talents and accomplishments.

When they get older, things may change, they stop the sport and don’t do another equally amazing thing etc. These kids often feel pressure to live up to their high achieving younger selves and feel judged if their life no longer appears to have the same degree of perceived success. This can lead to problems with eating disorders, depression, perfectionism, anxiety etc.

I hope I am not coming across like I am saying posting on social media is bad, I post on social media, most parents post on social media. This is the way life is now, it’s like a photo album online.

I’m just saying just give it thought, communication and due care .
I have always asked my kids before posting. And if they said no, it didn't get posted. Now, everything my son does is public anyway (gymnastics related) so I don't worry too much. But this is a good thing to think about!
I would say ask first. If they say yes post it. If they don’t. Then respect it.think about it like this one post on your insta or smt is like their own post. If they are old enough, they can create the post. They choose which events they want, they choose if they want to include scores, placements, pics with the team, pics with friends, before and after, compare with an earlier in the season meet, not include videos with fall if they don’t want that. If you can, let them take the reins. But this is different than a mom putting one photo of a first time all around 1st placement talking about how proud she is of her kid or something like that
And honestly, with child’s permission, post every meet sure, it will pop up in memories later, it’s fine, but if you are doing a post on a meet every other weekend or every week, don’t make a HUGE post, with a long paragraph, just put a few vids and photos, maybe scores but end it at that if you are doing this frequently. If you do maybe once every other month, then make a big deal of it if you want, include improvement in scores or certain skills, if a kid is in excel or optionals, include if they got out an upgrade in a routine or something.
Also, if out of town family wants pic and vids or they want to come to a meet and your kid doesn’t want to send them videos or they don’t want them at meet. Tell them they can’t come. If they insist, then you insist on your answer.
And honestly, with child’s permission, post every meet sure, it will pop up in memories later, it’s fine, but if you are doing a post on a meet every other weekend or every week, don’t make a HUGE post, with a long paragraph, just put a few vids and photos, maybe scores but end it at that if you are doing this frequently. If you do maybe once every other month, then make a big deal of it if you want, include improvement in scores or certain skills, if a kid is in excel or optionals, include if they got out an upgrade in a routine or something.

I get what you are saying, but really, most kids have 5-10 meets total a year. And since most are concentrated within 5 months, that is when you will see the posts.

My thought on anything social media is to do you. If you want to post a lot, post. If you don't, don't. If you don't want to read something scroll. Everyone has their own comfort level and their own preference on how much or how little to share.
I am one that doesn’t use social media. I do video everything and send the videos to family directly. I guess I just never felt comfortable with the idea of sharing things on the social media platforms. Don’t get me wrong - I love seeing videos of friends kids accomplishments, and cannot be more proud of my “little wonder”! I don’t think it if bragging or boastful for those that use social media to celebrate and document, unless the the tone is overtly arrogant. For my my “photo album” just stays in my little circle of family and friends. Also, I just love seeing all of those memory pop up in my photo stream and just love reliving all of those special moments!
I post on Facebook after every meet, we have a lot of family members that I’d have to send videos to otherwise. I sometimes post random training videos too, but not always. Or I’ll just add them to my story.
my daughter usually prefers me not to post, so I dont, unless she specifically is proud of something and asks me to. I do share videos privately with family, but not on social media.
I always did a single end-of-the-season post with the highlights of the season.

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