How to balance school and gymnastics?

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Just wondering if anyone had any tips on how to balance school and gymnastics?:)
Okay I'm not sure of your training schedule or hobbies but here is a bit of advice.

  • If you watch a lot of TV, tape it or Tivo it to watch on sunday or any other time you are free.
  • Multi task as much as possible. When you are riding in the car you could do homework or have a few minutes during school when you aren't do anything. You could get some school work done then.
  • Make sure that your teachers know your situations at school. Some teachers will be able to work with you a little, and some won't even try.
  • If you have to miss for a meet, try and get the work ahead of time so on a plane ride or car trip you can try and get caught up.
There is probably more but knowing your hours already would help :).

Good Luck
The biggie: don't procrastinate. I turn off my wireless card whenever I'm in the middle of writing a paper. I also bring my reading with me wherever I go, although I do that more in college than I did in HS (I had about 500 pages to read this weekend, so...). In high school, I read while stretching (we held splits for about 5 minutes each way, so that was 15 minutes), and I also read or did homework during lunch and when I rode the bus. When we had any extra time in class, I did the HW for the following day. I usually had about 3-4 hours of homework/day in high school, and it was very manageable if I had completed about an hour before practice.

I've never asked a teacher or professor for an extension because of gymnastics. When we travel nationals (in college), I turn in papers and take exams before I leave.
Time management. And passion

People literally think that I have a time turner (Harry Potter) or more hours in a day than other people. I study as I walk to my internship. I run to work (coach). I have time to help run an Invisible Children club, go to gym, practice violin, work out, maintain straigh A's in 6 AP classes, lead youth group discussions, work over 20 hrs a week, and still hang out on weekends, visit the web, watch the news, and read for pleasure.

What they don't know is I never just lay around doing nothing. I get all of my homework done as soon as possible. Example: this week, we had a five-day weekend. All of my homework was done by 1pm on Wed (our first day off). The other thing that helps is that I have a legitimate thirst for knowledge. As long as I can remember, I have been eager to learn. CNN is on behind me right now, and is whenever I do anything. I'll switch to C-SPAN now and again. I read TIME, Newsweek, books of all kinds. If I'm in the mood for music, I'll turn on my iPod speakers and listen as I read. To help me study French, and learn about the world, I read a French newspaper.

I am also a very passionate person-there is never a half-way for me. It's all or nothing. Being so driven in so many areas helps. You have to find your own drive. I've always felt the need to be succeed at whatver I do, and while it may not be possible, I will fight for that success.

You have to find what motivates you. I think that's the most important thing.I am inspired by students in war-torn Norther Uganda, who have nothing but still value education and see its importance. They are my motivation to keep working hard, to get a better life for myself, them, and all of humanity. Because I feel inside me the need to do such big things, I can see how each smaller part of my life helps me to reach my goals.
My freshmen year in hs was tough. I know both my school & gym suffered. But by sophmore year, I was competing, doing well in school with a full classload, and of course, I always made time for my friends & boyfriend. last year, unfortunately, I tore my knee (like so many people do) and I just owned at school. Now, as a senior, I've decided to only take half a class load, which for me, gives me twice as many credits this year as I need to graduate, and I'm holding a 4.0, competing Varsity for my school, and of course, I still see my friends all the time, just different times now. I am horrible about homework. It's a 6 day weekend for me (2 snow days. :)) and well, I haven't even touched what was due Thursday. Bad influence? Maybe. Does it work? Heck yes it works. Just schedule classes (if you have that option, like we do) in order of difficulty and homework. My first classes are easy, so i can do homework in them for the later ones, or study for tests. But always turn in your work, that's how you do well.
I am home schooled but dont thin k that maniging time is not hard it is. i have a killer test in the winter-spring and i do schoole for 8 hours 4 days a weeck i do half days on wenday and i find time to play and i am tacking up ice skatting and i am praticing for ameracas got talent and thinking about ballet nexed year .and i hang out at the gym so i am balenced i think lol .:p:D:p;)
i'm not super smart like a lot of the people here no CB :-), but i've always worked really hard and keep around a 3.0. i train about 25 hours a week, and have to drive an hour each way to my gym, so i'm always trying to have enough time to study.

english is my second language so i've always had to work with a tutor or teacher to get extra help with my reading and writing. it's helped me learn that as soon as i have trouble with something in school, to get help before i get really far behind. i really recommend that, teachers never have a problem with it, and if they can't help they're always good about getting someone in the class to help you.

as part of my IEP (individualized education plan, all disabled students in public schools have to make one with the special ed teachers) i have this class called 'learning lab' where i meet with one of the special ed teachers and get help on some of my english and with my reading. as i've gotten older and better at reading and writing i use it more as a study hall and for college prep. obviously most people don't have this, but if you can try to get a study hall during the day, or TA for someone where you can do work, or get an off hour and devote it to school, it's really helpful so you can do gym all night after school.

i also get a lot of work done early in the morning. my mom teaches at the middle school on our campus and since our family has one car, my sister and i usually have to come in early with her. it sucks waking up, but its nice to be able to have more time to do work.

i keep a planner which helps me soo much. that way i know when things are due and what i need to get done. i don't know what i'd d w/o it. i got mine from our school for like 5 dollars at the begining of the year, so it's really affordable too.

if i can think of anything else i'll let you know!
Just never do nothing! Have something due on Monday? Do it the second you get home on Friday. Big long-term assignment? Do a little each day. Set aside time for homework.
Ok, I am in year 11 and doing gymnastics 10hrs a week. I am supposed to do a minimum of 21 hours of study a week. Its not easy when on wednesday and fridays you train from 4:30 to 7:30 and you spend the whole afternoon getting there.

I find that the best way to get things done is find something that works for you. I find that i can't work very productively at home as i get too distracted. So, on 2 days of the week I stay in the library for nearly 3 hours and then do some more work when i come home. I find that i need to break up my time. Asking me to sit down and do an hour of maths is like asking me to walk on water. Its just not going to happen. So to ensure you are doing something all the time break up your 3 hours or what not and do each subject in 20 mins and revisit them if need be. Also have water and a small snack at your work station. time is wasted when you need to get up to get food :P Most important is a lot of sleep, if you are working late at night there is a problem, for a teenage brain to function properly they need 8.25 to 9.25 hours sleep. Make the most of your time!
I honestly don't think it's that hard. If I'm working out 4-9 after school, three days school days per week, I know I won't really be able to do homework when I get home because I'll be too tired. So I'll do it on a day I don't have practice if I can. For daily homework like math, I'll do it in class while the teacher is talking. In math you can pretty much just read the textbook, do the assignment, and be fine. You can always get a friend to explain it if you don't get it.

For reading and note-taking, I'll read through lunch and on the ride to gym. That's only 25 min for lunch and about 20 minutes in the car, but I'm a fast reader. I'll also read if I get done with an assignment early or have nothing to do in school. For example, in choir class, I read while the altos are working on their part since I'm a soprano.

The only issue is homework that has to be done in a one-night period and needs a computer or another resource I don't have while in other classes or in the car. I'll do this when I get home, but not very well because I am so tired! Sometimes my arms are so dead after practice I can barely write or type. Thank goodness that sort of assignment is usually given more than one night.
I guess it just sort of depends how long and how often your practices are. I only have practice a few times a week, so it was never really an issue. Are you asking how to fit in time for homework? If you dont have practice right after school, get it done then. That way its not put off until the end of the night when 1. You may not have time before you go to bed or 2. You just dont have the brain power to get it done. Hope this helps (:

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