Parents How to read scores??

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DD had her first ever competition ever!! We had so much fun! I was kind of wondering how to grade the scores...? dd scored a 33.95. Is that an average score? She competed L2 and is 4 years old. There were no age groups for L2 so dd competed with 11 year olds. dd held her own with all those big girls....she looked so cute! especially when saluting the judges....SOOOOO CUTE!
Can't believe what a big girl she is already!
i'd say she did great! that is an average of 8.4 on each event. i bet she had so much fun!

we went to our teams L4 meet on saturday and DD had so much fun. she now says she wants to be on team "sooo bad, mom." she can't wait. i feel much better after going as well. they had tons of fun and it didn't seem like they were under pressure or anything.
I think she did great too:) She is only 4:) wow... I can't even imagine my girls competing that young;) so she is doing awesome:)
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At 4!! That is Awesome! I would love to see a video. WTG
link to Olivia's floor rountine

I hope this works...the video is not great quality and we were a bit far too but atleast you can get the jest...I'm working on the other videos as well. Her best event was vault and floor.
She did great!!! I have never seen a L2 floor routine as we only have level3 and up in our state that compete. That is a great score for a 4 year old!! A 32 or higher qualifies you for the state competition here so her score is great!
Now that was the cutest thing I ever saw. Not only is she really polished for a little one, she clapped herself off floor. Make sure you keep that video for her wedding.:D

The most fun is listening to the new gym comments in the background, "yeah she gets two goes on vault" that was just as cute.

Keep up the good work and have lots of fun as she is sooo little.
I agree! She is so cute and she did great! It's hard to believe that a little 4 year old can remember what to do! That just goes to show that we need to be a little more careful in what we say or do around them because they remember more than what we think they do! LOL!
No doubt! The daughter of one of our coaches is not quite 3 years old yet and she knows all of the floor routines for all the lower levels! She can do them all, too. And if she comes to a skill she can't do yet, she pretends her way through it and then picks up the routine at the next part. She is really amazing. She'll be quite a force when she's old enough to compete.
I thought she was just too cute! congrats to Olivia for a job well done:D... Doesnt the L2 AAU have a shot at going to "nationals"? I think they do that in FL...
she is so cute! i think the young gymnasts are just too cute out their on the floor. i know i am going to just cry the first time DD competes.

i loved her clapping for herself. absolutely priceless.
She's just adorable! I love her clapping for herself - too cute. Her scores are fantastic for her very first meet.

Awww! She's so cute and is really good! My daughter just turned 6 this month and has competed as a level 2 this year (season?). She will go to state in April. I'm a little concerned because her last competition was the first weekend in February, and there are no meets planned until state. Anyone ever have this long of a break in between meets?
that was adorable my dd was 6 a couple of months shy of 7 when she competed l2 and forgot her floor routine I beleive she did all of the skills just not in the correct order of course they only had about 2months to get ready.There is no way she could have remebered it at 4.and yes l2 can compete at aau nationals last summer my dd went it was in tpa and she loved it .there were l2 from missouri ,ga,virgina and some other states also.
yeah I was genuinely impressed by my 4 year old. She tends to do that! Even as her mother. She loves to perform and if she can sense the pressure she out shines herself. when I switched her gym,(back in november) they did an evaluation of her strength, flexibility and skills. When she realized she was being "tested" she out did herself. She was doing things I didn't even know she can do. For example she did a straddle press handstand, back wackover, walking on her hands, 12 chin ups on still rings etc.

In december they were training dd for level 4. After christmas break they tell me that they want her to compete in Feb. I was a bit confused. She is not ready for L4 and doesn't know routine for L2. Weeks went by and I saw no training for upcoming competition. three weeks before competition I tell dd's coach that I don't think I want dd to compete because she is not ready. I told them she does not know floor rountine, and doesn't have her dismount on bars. Her coaches responds is ..."it is still 3 weeks away" I gave them the benefit of the doubt and what do you know she learned it and nailed on the day of competition.

I find the hardest thing not to do is underestimate my 4 year old. She is a smart, mature, old soul, yet with her innocense in tact. I am so very proud of her!

dd competed only because our gym was hosting the competition. I don't believe she will compete again any time soon. Her gym is more about training for now.

I keep you posted as to what they plan to do with dd?
what state or country do you live in where they compete their level 2's? But if my memory serves me correct you can't compete level 4 until your are 6 yr old in the USAG.
AAU in the US competes the lower levels. It isn't available in all states though. We don't have it here in Arizona. I think it is great to get them used to competing. I think the AAU routines are pretty cool as well. Back east and the south east US seem to have a bigger AAU following and competitions at the lower levels. Link Removed

USAG allows states to hold competitions at the lower levels. Some states do that and some don't. We don't have that here either.
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I loved the video very cute.

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