I took the quiz and was in negative numbers... whew
I personally really struggle with this one. DD's training sessions are two hours long, we live a forty minute drive away. One session a week she is dropped off by another parent (due to my work commitments) and obviously I don't watch.
The rest of the time I do stay at the gym. I can't justify the petrol costs to drive back home and only be there for forty minutes before leaving again. Some of the time I run errands, but often I have nothing that needs to be done and there is only so much time you can spend aimlessly wandering around the shops.
I do tend to have my head buried in a book or paperwork a lot of the time, but I am right there on the edge of the floor (small gym, no waiting area/office or parent room). Until I joined the CB I never considered it a problem, I watch ds practice soccer all the time, but now sometimes I wonder if she would be better without me there? Certainly there is a lot of opinion that suggests I shouldn't be there. Does this push me over to the problem parent? I hope not....
Same boat here! I bring the kindle along to every practice and read a lot, sometimes it's a bit too crazy to read but I do love to read. Now, I'm guilty of watching (even when reading, I do look up and watch lol), but I'm not analyzing her or anyone else's dd's every move. I "think" that makes me safe, lol. After so many years of having to stay....and so many years of having to stay in my future (assuming she's still doing this sport, she won't be of driving age for a long time lol), I think that I've developed a happy medium of watching without critiquing. When she get in the car at the end of practice, I ask "how was practice today?" If she says "good" we're done discussing, If she wants to talk about an issue she's having then I give her her opening to vent. For the most part the answer is "good, and she ellaborates on how her day went". We're done talking about it within 10 min. I do break those unwritten rules once in a while, but not often and usually only if I see something that really concerned me.
Hope I can still claim that negative score total

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