Parents How would you feel?

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I would not let her compete. I'm doubting that her friend is hurt, with everything else, the HC could have told her to say that just to get your dd to be there. It's caving and it's not good. RUN away and don't look back. The whole team thing? Oh well! HC should have thought of that before using your dd and then lying to her and replacing her. Team my a** this is ALL about the coach and her ego. I'm scared for both of you.
I'm writing a factual letter backed up with evidence to FFgym(french gym federation).I will send it to the school and the committee.

I'm also meeting my lawyer Tuesday morning to see if we have a compelling enough case to drag her in front of the "juge des enfants"(Children's judge)
Was the meet this past weekend? Did she compete?

She did compete,she did well enough that the team actually has a chance of qualifying to nationals.we will know for sure when the results of the last zone come in tomorrow.If they are qualified ,I wish them the best of luck as DD will not be going with them.

HC did pull me aside and asked me who is the" old dried out prune" I was speaking about in the message.I laughed,and actually so did she.

Hc wanted DD to go and say her goodbyes herself on Monday.I refused.I told HC I don't feel comfortable enough to let my kid alone in the office with her.

Hc asked me what I was afraid of and I answered "I'm afraid of you".

DD is now training at a small friendly club .
Well done and great you have moved on. I definitely would not let HC alone with her. Not now not ever. I bet your sd will just blossom now and have a fabulous time. You have been the mum we all hope we would have the guts to be.
Good. HC has proven that she is not safe to be alone with any kids.

Very glad DD has a new training place.
I'm really sorry your DD had to go through all this. I'm glad she's out of that environment.

It will be a nice little dig to that crazy HC if that team qualifies for nationals afterall. Hopefully she won't try to get your DD to compete again.

I hope your DD has a smooth transition to her new gym.
I hope she does great at the new gym and really enjoys it!
So glad it ended well for you & DD.

And big kudos to you for being so strong with that coach!!!!!

At the end of training a friend whose daughter use to train at the mad house asked me how things went .I texted her the message:

"Well the old dried out prune tried to fill DD head with empty promises that she wil move back up to the A team and go to nationals.But it's too late.DD has made her decision.Old wretch"

Problem is I sent this to HC by mistake!!!!:eek:

DD's reaction when I told her what I had done was :D:D:D

So there you folks.

Accidentely on pupose maybe?:p:p:p:p:p

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