I didn't think this day would come

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My daughter is just coming off of a wrist fracture, she competed all the way up to and including state without mentioning that she was in pain, it wasn't until we discovered bruising and swelling that she said anything. To tell you the truth, with all of the time and effort she has put into gymnastics none of it mattered to us as her parents we were ready to pull her right then. If it wasn't for her pleading with us and her coaches really working with us to keep her going we would be done. It's always a personal decision but I do have to say that injuries, no matter how small make this sport one of the scariest out there.

If you feel your daughter is truly happy in her sport then do what you can to keep her going but if it's detrimental to her health, really put some thought into it.

As gymnasts get older the weak parts (previously injured) are prone to all sort of ailments including arthritis. I don't mean to sound negative but we've had to really analyze all of the pro's and con's simply because of the demanding nature of the sport and how our daughters talent is viewed by the gymnastics community. At 10 years old and training level 9/10 mean she's got 8 years before college, that's a long time to continue with a very grueling work out regimine. What amazes us at every turn is how she thrives on everyday of practice.

I really hope that you make the right choice and that whatever it may be your daughter is happy. In the end that's what matters the most.

Good luck!
Ani de Alba: My DD too, has been doing "just conditioning" since she broke her collarbone August 1. She finds it very frustrating and boring. She has told me that " practice is just no fun anymore." So I don't think that "just conditioning" is going to keep your DD's interest for very long. It may well be, though, that she feels less pressure to work on every apparatus... maybe she can just focus on floor, or whatever. Maybe just letting up on practice time MAY keep her interested. If not, it is NOT the end of the world. I completely agree with all of Gymnomore's posts. We've had girls quit the gym along the way and after the initial shock on the part of the parents, they too find they enjoy more time with their daughters, the girls can invest more time in other interests and sports as well.

I had been all caught up in the "magic" of the sport as well until DD had her accident. Of course the first few days of recovery were really hard, but as time went on, I discovered that I kind of liked NOT having to run to the gym 4 days each week! I think it truly has given more more perspective on the fact that this is JUST a sport. I have no grand illusions about DD getting a scholarship, or even getting to L9. She's already 13 and a level 6. So as long as she's happy going and doing this, we will support her. If and when the time comes that she's done, she'll move on to something else!! She really enjoyed doing hurdles in PE last year, maybe when she gets to high school next year, she can give that a try!

Good luck with everything and do let us know now everything finally plays out!

Myjalark----Do you have any idea where they post what levels are equivalent to U.S.? My dd is a level 3 here in Mexico she's 11 years old, we have very few girls at this level in our country , when we've gone to nationals only 6 states participant out of 32.
You mentioned your dd is L9/10 what level would this be in Mexico?
Where in Texas do you live? That's where I went to college.
Ani--For US levels, you might want to check out the USAG site under JO(jr. olympics). Requirements for each level are listed---not specific skills. For a L9 or 10(10 being the highest in the US), they will list how many skills of A,B,C,D,E value are needed. It does get pretty complex trying to figure it all out. Maybe if you listed your dd's skills here or in the coach forum, they could help you translate her level to a US level.

I would let her go back to do conditioning after talking face to face with the coaches. Make sure everyone is comfortable with a plan for number of hours and skills that you feel comfortable with her working on. I'm sure you know that she'll probably get bored at some point and want to try some new skills or ask for more hours etc. Also, it might not be a bad idea for her to have a complete physical. Make sure she is completely healthy. Were the fractures she suffered ever termed stress fractures or where they from for example falling off the beam and hitting her arm and breaking it. A history of multiple stress fractures would be very concerning to me.

Let us know how things go!
Flippymonkeysmom.....Tumblequeensmom....Gym law mom.....and my supportive friend Gymnomore thanks for your advice.

I think you're right Natalia might get frustrated, bored just doing a conditioning workout with little difficulty in skills but if her coaches are smart about this they'll be able to keep her interest up and at the same time respect what we agreed on, we don't want her at a competitive level with 25 hour/wk workout, that part of gymnastics is over at least for now. I can say this with such confidence (thanks gymnomore) before I couldn't even think about it.

Her school has a dance team and yesterday they auditioned, she had never been able to participate in any school activities. Since she has a cast on her arm that goes up to her biceps and it's lime green by the way (she chose this color) she asked if she could audition they told her she could but it would be difficult to see her arm movements, the only part she heard was "YES" she could care less what the rest of the girls must have been thinking. Gymnastics has given her great confidence and self-esteem I'm sure everyone would agree on this. After it was over she told me "I think it was a good thing to have a cast on my arm because the judges kept their eyes on me the whole time" either they were thinking.... if she can dance this way with a broken arm or what mother in her right mind would let her daughter audition with a broken arm....my husband said it's liking wanting to run at a track meet with a brace on your knee.
The results will be posted on Wednesday.

Gym law mom.... we did run all types of tests on her just to make sure it wasn't something we were over looking and her levels of calcium, phosphor etc. came back above average.

Congrats for your DD auditioning for the dance team. The confidence and self assurance will stay w/her for a lifetime! I sure do hope she makes the team! We'll all be anxiously awaiting the results.

You are a good mom for putting your DD's health & happiness above all else. We know all of this hasn't been easy for you...so many ups & downs...here's a group hug from all of us :grouphug: Best of luck to her...keeping my fingers crossed that she blew them away in her dance team audition:D
I just saw your post on the dance team audition! That is so cool! I really, really hope and pray that she makes it! How can they NOT pick a gymnast? They will- I have no doubt! Gymnasts tend to stand out in the crowd because of their talent and of course self confidence! If it all works out, this will be exactly what you need- for your sake as well as hers. She'll be so happy being in an activity with her school friends! As the others have said- please keep us informed and let us know as soon as you find out the results of the tryout.
Sorry I didn't respond any sooner, we had a long weekend here in Mexico (Independence Day), it's our first night back.
Thanks for writing and being so supportive. Gymjourneymom, your hug comes from so far away and I couldn't have felt it closer and tighter.
Tomorrow the results will be posted as soon as I know something I'll make sure to log on and let you'll know. Good or Bad..
Before going to bed tonight my dd reminded me tomorrow is Wednesday and she would know, only if she knew it's been on my mind daily.

Sorry it took so long but they just posted the results today Friday. She wasn't chosen. I knew it would be tough these girls have been dancing since they were in first grade and only 8 make the team maybe I should try a private dance academy? Bye Bye.....Ani

Oh by the way the lime green cast is off. She's having a hard time dealing with very little arm movement. I guess it will take time.
I am sorry that she was not selected. She should still be very proud of herself. I hope she understands the stiff competition of the girls w/ more dance experience and that only 8 made the cut.

Keep us posted and hugs to you both.
Sorry she didn't make the dance team :( Glad to hear her cast is off - I hope she continues to heal well. My dd will be able to take hers off next week and is already nervous about trying to use her wrist - she is afraid it will still hurt and she still won't be able to do anything on it so I totally know where you are coming from.
Oh I feel so proud of her every time I glance over at her I feel like squeezing her she's so optimistic about everything! She's the one telling me she can try out again next year.
Flippymonkeysmom----I'm glad to hear your dd cast will be off in a couple of days please do tell her it'll take a little time before it's back to normal so she won't feel like it's never going to be the same.
I bought my dd a little gift once her cast came off, a book by the name "Jenny Martin and the unexpected gift". It's about a gymnast who falls behind in school she's loving it. Has anyone read it?
I am glad to hear DD's Cast is off. You are a good mom! The hardest thing we have to do as parents is see our kids in be in pain.

Hang in there.. She will find something she loves like gymnastics (but less stress on her body).

My DD2 is a competitive Dancer ( I could only handle 1 gymnast in the family). You might want to find a private dance company. They can quickly excelarate girls who are gymnasts. we had a girl move from our L6 team directly onto Competition team at a great studio in town.

Good luck!
Here I am!!!! I checked in a couple of times but am so busy I haven't been on here long enough to sign in or even write much. (I'm getting used to having my own thing going on since I'm not driving to the gym all the time- he he!) So sorry to hear about missing the dance team. But, things happen for a reason and there must be something else in the plan for your little dd. I like the idea suggested by kristilyn to find a private dance company for lessons. It would be fun for her even if she doesn't want to take it too seriously. I still think that after she heals completely, she might want to do something else with her gymnastics that is a little less aggressive. But there's a lot out there. I'm still holding out for you! Has she thought about trying anything else?
So sorry to hear the dance team made a big mistake not asking your DD to join. I truely believe all things happen for a reason. Maybe that was not the route your DD was meant to take. There must be some other door that she is meant to open:) Please give her a hug from me & tell her to keep her eyes open for new opportunities. She WILL find what she is meant to do.
Thanks for the support.
Today was our first day back at the gym, only a 2 hour conditioning program was what we agreed on so I'll have to see how things go. I felt ac-ward picking her up before her class was over all her friends kept asking why she was leaving so early.
I stayed away from the mothers because I'm not ready to answer questions since I'm not sure where this is headed, I don't want to say more than I should, her coaches have been kind and concerned through out this process and I don't want the mothers saying something that might get misunderstood. Women are complicated by nature but women w/dd in sports is just something else.
What I do know is I've come a long way since this episode started and I've received such good advise
and support that my attitude is so different, I asked him to help me see clear and he's given me 20/20 vision. What more can I ask for.
Like Gymnomore said she might find a less aggressive sport and that's what I'm hoping. I've been looking into different dance schools because I want her to have new opportunities and this is the time.
I feel strange because this gym doesn't offer gymnastics as a recreational sport they only train girls at a competitive level and I'm not being honest with them.

Stay in touch friends...
I know what you mean about being with the other mothers. I would steer clear of them. You're right, sometimes you are dealing with a different breed when you are with mothers of this sport in particular. I hope it works out that dd can still go and enjoy it, and get a decent workout without feeling the pressure of full scale gymnastics training.
I'm sad today. My little dd just told me she doesn't want to do cheerleading after this football season. I'm having a hard time wondering why a girl wouldn't like cheerleading. It's so much fun! I came from very much a cheer background as I went to college on a cheer scholarship and coached for several years. So, as you can imagine, I love it and I thought she would too. She did at first, but I'm forgetting that she came from a very intense gymnastics background since she was 6 years old. I guess cheerleading is just too "simple" for her. She was asked to be on an all-star competition team where they do stunting and lots more tumbling, but I won't let her do that because I want her to be involved with the school. I've already been down that road of driving far to practice every day, paying money, being with friends from a way differnt part of town- (meaning not close by), going to competitions, etc. Don't want to go there again. I'm from the old school- I think cheerleaders should cheer for a team; I don't believe in paying a lot of money to basically, uuhh- how should I put it?- uuh cheer for themselves? I can't complain because she still has gymnastics going on and competition season starts up in November, and her track and field coach is ready to work with her any time she has free time, but still, I really liked that she was involved in cheerleading. So let me cry for awhile, and then we'll move on as we have before. That's my story for today. I guess we'll all just have to wait and see what happens.

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