Thank you for all of your assistance.....I must have not alluded to the idea that I have coached high level national divers in the past and I had a dry land facility that is now in my basement because with having kids, I could no longer offer the hours needed to coach the sport at that level any longer. So with a bunch of mats, 2 tumbl traks, a beam, and a bar, my daughter only jumps and flips and has never played with toys. My son- totally opposite- loves to jump but plays with toys and does not have my daughter's passion for this sport. I actually put her in gymnastics to transfer to diving when she got older. I never knew she'd take to it and have the passion for it like she does. So me coaching her is very different than any other parent coaching their own child at home. I can coach tumbling and flipping- that's what divers do

I just don't know the little ins and outs of when the feet have to be in 4th position, when their leg has to be held high, having to lever into a handstand... Etc. Her form is very tight with great head position because when she is playing and jumping, I might as well give her corrections so she doesn't learn bad form in the process. So that's a moot point. I believe I am pretty qualified to be teaching flips etc...
Good news, though..... I finally found help today- a higher level coach did a private with us and showed me where she is getting killed in points- and she was shocked that her team coaches were telling her conflicting/incorrect information. It was all 4th position foot positions on the floor, a missing crown hold on her lunge, a higher leg position hold in her leap, etc. - silly things that if she was aware of- she easily could have/would have/now is doing. I knew it had to be something silly because tightness, form wise, toe point- it's all there- that's why I was so frustrated. So I feel a lot better.
The bigger tumbling things she does- I wrote that to give you perspective- she can do tougher skills, and is performing average on these simple level 3 skills- why- she looks great to the untrained gymnastics eye and you think she nailed it- form and all- and she gets an 8.4?? Something is not right. And she was getting so frustrated- because she did the routines to the best of her knowledge of how she was told. So now we have some new/correct information, and I think she is good to go from here.
Thanks again for everyone's assistance, concern, and advise