Parents I think I need a little help understanding it all......

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Indeed! You might have a jump on the issue of twisting for righties and lefties, which so many gymnastics coaches do not understand. It is inconvenient if your gymnast does anything other than right dominate and clockwise/right twist.
I meant arm position and 1/2 vs full.

(my ds twists left... and is left dominate. His team is about 50/50. most coaches take time to figure that out on gymnasts.)
Test your theory? Does everyone know what you mean every time you say, "uh oh"? Without knowing more, it conveys (to the parents sitting in this waiting room with me) a superficial disagreement or disapproval without adding any value except perhaps to self satisfaction? Is that what you intended?

uh oh...
Nervous, mocking, group-think is predictable in a culture where the value of egos is more important than trying to determine what is best for each person.

Just plain and simple reality of human weakness that we all share, but few can admit.

how much are you paying for your hopium?
I'm no expert in these matters but something is definitely not adding up here.
Gymnastics is such an evolution....for the child AND parent. When my kids were young, helping with handstands, and mushroom circles and walkovers seem so innocent. For the most part it was but after years of innocent, sneaky coaching, I find it has actually taken a lot of the 'fun' out of walking on their hands at home, or messing around in the front yard with friends.
I am guilty of helping myDD remember her routines, so yes I am a hypocrite, like most parents of gymnasts. (Remember, we all know NOTHING about gymnastics right?)
I think more than anything, it violates the safety zone gymnasts feel when they are home with their parents . When they come home the last thing they want to think about is gymnastics. No matter how qualified you are, it will take its toll on your relationship. Parents who coach their kids IN THE GYM may have a better system because they leave the gym, and there is no more gymnastics....
If your DD needs some harmless help, I am sure you will do it regardless.....just ask the coaches so that at least you can actually be complementary. If they ask NOT to teach something, then don't.

As far as home equipment , even what you have, it is ALL useless past L4. The only thing that still gets the occasional use is my floor cats use it as a scratching post and if I take it away the couch is the next best thing.
To the OP. My advice is that you don't have faith in DDs current coaches, maybe justifiably so. She sounds talented and it is crucial that you trust her coaches Research and find a gym that meets you daughters needs . Look for gyms with good results at meets and plenty of high level optionals. Go and check the gyms out and pick one you think DD will be happy and thrive at. Move her there. Then start being her mother again instead of her coach. At 6, you are her world and she lives to please you. But as she gets older, your coaching and pushing her beyond what her coaches want will taint your relationship. Do want a daughter more or a gymnast more? It's a crucial question which is more important. Make the right decision.
hmm, stretchguy must have either been before my time or over my head. lol.

Before your time and not pleasant around here. Bog earned her non-existent pay on that one. The term "troll" was used if I recall correctly.
To me this is pretty simple... at the risk of insulting someone (not my intention), I believe:

1) if a parent thinks they need to coach their kid at home (qualified or not) then something is not right at the gym they are at, or the parent needs to watch themselves for signs of CGM.
2) gymnastics requires so many hours in the gym - add up the hours over the years - it is unlike almost any other sport, so let them be kids at home (avoid burnout, let them just hand out with friends)
3) at the risk of being rude, I am just unsure of what the OP wants to accomplish with teaching a 6 YO a back tuck. I mean, where does it go from there? Pacing is just as important as acceleration.
4) if a gymnast is "one of those kids" (I'll use the word "phenom") a qualified coach, possibly an elite one, will get wind of it and away she will go...level 10 by 10 YO.

This little girl certainly sounds like she has some natural ability, but IMO, that means she needs to find a good gym with experienced coaches, as opposed to extra training in the basement.
Before your time and not pleasant around here. Bog earned her non-existent pay on that one. The term "troll" was used if I recall correctly.

I'm new here; and not impressed by the intolerance (even paranoia) for disagreement. The word "immature", among many others, has been used.
Alyssa- what you may not realize is that we have had many trolls over the years that do come on and stir up trouble. many don't even have kids who are gymnasts or any real interest in gymnastics.

Disagreement is very common on here, and tolerated, as long as safety is not an issue. Many of the coaches on here have been around the sport longer than some on here have been alive, and have more info than they can give out. They see the same questions and concerns arise every few months. They see people argue with them about things that they have already seen, have discussed, etc.

you jumped into a thread brand new. No one knows you.....your background, or anything. Do you have a gymnast?

I have had many disagreements over the years with people on here, and we are still here. We now see things differently and many times have the same viewpoints. If you are willing to hear what people are saying, and know that the reasons behind it are to encourage young gymnasts and keep them safe, I think you will see that everyone is on the same side.
The fact that someone "likes" this is "scary".
Why ?

Are they not allowed an opinion ?

I was under the impression that freedom of expression, within the rules of the forum, was encouraged.

This forum has been going a very long time, I have been here a few years and I am new compared to others.

A forum, like other groups of individuals, takes on a personality and culture. There are norms of expression, abbreviations, cultural references and in-jokes that evolve over time. Just like any society, intelligent people don't barge in and complain about these values, they take time to educate themselves to see if they would "fit in", if they don't then they are free to move on.

darn it @skschlag , you jumped in as I was correcting my typos !;)
hmm, stretchguy must have either been before my time or over my head. lol.

It appears to be an administrator chimera. I.e., "you disagree with ME?? Then you must be that person I banned in the past?"
Can we get back on topic? Instead of discussing whether or not we are allowed to disagree, maybe we can present things that actually questions and help the poster. I feel like this is spinning wheels and arguing for nothing. Disagreements are allowed, but that goes both ways!

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