The issue is that girls are disproportionately vulnerable to eating disorders, athletes are more vulnerable to them than the typical population, and aesthetic sports such as gymnastics breed even a higher percentage of them.
1. Get to college age gymnasts and the statistics go through the roof. And many are seemingly innocuous statements about how losing a few pounds could help performance.
2. As a pretty high level athlete in a different sport in the 80s , we were weighed publicly on a weekly basis.
3. Eating disorders are the deadliest mental illnesses, and athletes (and especially gymnasts) are more vulnerable to them. People's children die..It is really that simple.
My blood is boiling as I read about this poor 9 year old...get her out of there for her self esteem's sake to start...
Point 1: The statistics go through the roof in college gymnastics because this starts from day 1 on campus, and in many cases , even in the recruitment process...we know of a couple of gymnasts who were told directly by the college coach "lose 10 pounds and we'll give you a scholarship" ...gymnast was scoring 37 range; going to JOs , doing well at her current weight but lost the 10 pounds to secure her scholarship...gets to college that fall and gains 7 pounds ( skills still the same) , is offered a "medical" because she "can't control her weight"...leaves that school the next year and never to compete again (SAD

) ...another gymnast had to have
weekly weigh ins videoed and sent to her future college coach to keep her scholarship offer!! And these are girls who hadn't even arrived on the campus yet! Once they get there, it's "fitness tests" (aka weigh ins) and comments from coaches for the next 4 years! So yes, with this surrounding you, the eating disorder level skyrockets...
Point 2: Still alive and well in the NCAA daughter's school weighed them in front of everyone, announced the weight , the gain or loss ( claps or just shaking heads with the results) and then posted the results on the wall for all to see.....scale was given " a place of honor in the workout facility" ...
Point 3: Eating disorders are deadly and definitely disabling and crippling ...and getting your kid to believe she has worth after being told repeatedly that her body "isn't the right type" is a tough sell...
Final point to OP: get out, get out, get out!! She's getting 38s at States, she's going be fine somewhere else.