First, congrats on taking the step to have her evaluated! It's an extremely relieving experience to have another quality person/program acknowledge your gut feelings that your daughter is ready for opportunities beyond what another program is offering. BEEN THERE. FEELS GREAT!
So my 2 cents on what to do now...
In my opinion, throughout your story, it is very clear that you have justifiable 'doubts' (pretty strong ones) about your current gym's ability to 1) see your daughter's strengths and believe in her potential and 2) place and train her properly to achieve her goals and potential. This tells me that even if you resigned to let your daughter choose to stay, your negative feelings about the program would still be the same, and you would simply continue to have doubts, which would fester and grow every time you observed her in class experiencing the same lack of progress, attention, or opportunities that brought you to ask for help here on CB in the first place. Trust me, that is going to eat you up, and that is not a great way to nurture a supportive relationship with your athlete as you find yourself annoyed, frustrated, and doubting her gym experience.
You need to move on. Whether to this new gym, or trying another, I think if you want your daughter to have a shot at a fulfilling JO experience, that you need to do better for her and see where it goes. If she ultimately hates the conditioning and attention to detail at any point, she will have multiple options for Xcel or other programs.
But you won't know if you don't give her the opportunity to go where she is valued and challenged.
P.S. When my daughter was trying out, she ended up in the gym we originally didn't think would be a good choice. Turns out it is perfect and she is doing amazing. What some 'other people said' about the gym was actually not true at all. You really can't tell until you try. So that other gym might be worth a try out, too.
Good luck!