Off Topic Inauguration of President Barack Obama!

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Oct 19, 2008
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Hey Guys!
What did you think of Obama's inauguration?
Are you excited and happy that we have a new president?
What did u do that day? DC mayhaps???
Just what are your thoughts on everything, new administration, new first family, etc?

Personally, im thrilled! I was in DC (thanks to a last minute train ticket!) and it was an out of body experience. There were SO MANY people, and everybody was just so happy! Unfortunatly, i was among the people that were shut out of the mall at the security check points. I was VERY dissapointed and angry, but luckily, we were able to hear obama being sworn in and parts of his speech. Even thoughI wasnt where i wanted to be (on the mall), when i wanted to be, it still felt great to be part of history, and the crowd! it was FREEZING!
I wish I was in DC, but I didn't go for precisely that reason. I got to watch in my warm home on a big chair.

His speech was great, but I thought parts of it sounded more like a stump speech. And I loved the music and all the pomp that went in to the ceremony. (I was teary before, but oh man I lost it when Roberts said "Congratulations, Mr. President")

I am so, SO glad to be rid of the Bush administration. I can finally say, after 8 long, nightmarish years, that I am proud to be an American. Yes we can, indeed.
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Obamas speach was so amazing!
Sadly i couldnt make it to washington but i got to stay home from school to watch it on TV. There were soo many people there i couldnt believe it! Im so glad we have a new president in these hard times. It will take awhile to fix everything but in the end it will be worth it.

I am absolutely thrilled that Barack Obama is our new President. I can't even describe how happy I am for my country now that we have such an incredible leader. I am very proud to be an American all the time, but even more proud than usual now.

George W. Bush is very proud of himself for sticking to his values even though public opinion was extremely low. What he just doesn't really seem to remember is that We the People (ok, not me, but people who were 18 in 2000 and 2004) elected him to that office, and he is supposed to serve We the People. If you get We the People angry, and We the People don't support our leader, it is extremely difficult to lead, it is extremely difficult to get anything accomplished, and it is extremely difficult to convince We the People that we should vote for that political party's candidate the next time around.

I look forward to Obama doing what he can to clean up politics. I can't say how thrilled I was to hear on the news that he has placed some serious restrictions on lobbyists and froze the pay of White House staffers. I look forward to having a President that will not place his personal idealogy over science. I look forward to having a President who will listen to what people have to say, and seeks out the opinions of those who have different views and idealogies than himself. Sounds like he really wants to be bi-partisan on a lot of issues. I look forward to having a President who will be a uniter, and not a divider. I look forward to having a President who recognizes that America and the world are a melting pot of many different cultures and religions, and doesn't try to hint that one is better than others. I hope Obama really drives home the point that to succeed in life, you have to work hard. People are not entitled to have their life handed to them on a silver platter by a white-gloved waiter. And lastly, as someone who has done independent study on Martin Luther King Jr., I'm thrilled that we've come this far towards realizing his dream. We are not there yet, but we are closer than ever before.
They re-swore him in yesterday, because of conspiracy theorists who said the first oath wasn't legit.

But any way, we hooked up our AP gov room 15 minutes before class started, and stayed 15 minutes late so we could watch the entire thing. It was fantastic (minus the haters in our class). I just don't understand how they could be so critical. No matter what your political viewpoints, this was history! When their kids/grandkids ask them what they were doing on inauguration day 2009 they have nothing to say except, "I was being a jerk in the back of the classroom". Anyway, since I was an Obama supporter/intern, I got this email saying to take a picture of where we were the moment her got sworn in, and it was pretty cool. My friends (all probama) were sitting in the front desks, all right next to each other, I was holding my bf's hand, and we were all just staring up at the screen.

I loved it!!
They re-swore him in yesterday, because of conspiracy theorists who said the first oath wasn't legit.

But any way, we hooked up our AP gov room 15 minutes before class started, and stayed 15 minutes late so we could watch the entire thing. It was fantastic (minus the haters in our class). I just don't understand how they could be so critical. No matter what your political viewpoints, this was history! When their kids/grandkids ask them what they were doing on inauguration day 2009 they have nothing to say except, "I was being a jerk in the back of the classroom". Anyway, since I was an Obama supporter/intern, I got this email saying to take a picture of where we were the moment her got sworn in, and it was pretty cool. My friends (all probama) were sitting in the front desks, all right next to each other, I was holding my bf's hand, and we were all just staring up at the screen.

I loved it!!
My friend Renee took a picture of her little girl (Guinevere, who's 2.5) in front of the TV during the swearing-in. Guinevere is learning to say "President Obama" - "Chesinent Omama." It's so cute, it kills me.
They re-swore him in yesterday, because of conspiracy theorists who said the first oath wasn't legit.

But any way, we hooked up our AP gov room 15 minutes before class started, and stayed 15 minutes late so we could watch the entire thing. It was fantastic (minus the haters in our class). I just don't understand how they could be so critical. No matter what your political viewpoints, this was history! When their kids/grandkids ask them what they were doing on inauguration day 2009 they have nothing to say except, "I was being a jerk in the back of the classroom". Anyway, since I was an Obama supporter/intern, I got this email saying to take a picture of where we were the moment her got sworn in, and it was pretty cool. My friends (all probama) were sitting in the front desks, all right next to each other, I was holding my bf's hand, and we were all just staring up at the screen.

I loved it!!

I don't get the conspiracy theorists who are questioning if the oath was legit or if he was born in Kenya, and so on and so forth. To try to over-rule the will of the American people based on some technicality is not what I consider democracy. He has a US passport, and if we are giving passports to non-US citizens, we have some big fish to fry with the State Department.

They were going to do an event for my whole school. That got cancelled because some of the visual equipment in the auditorium was broken and couldn't get fixed in time. So I stayed home to watch it and the parade and everything else.

I don't get the haters either. Obama wasn't even in office yet and hadn't done anything as president, so everyone should at least give the guy a chance. I suspect some people might be afraid of change, even though the way to survive as a decent country is to be able to adapt to the times and be progressive. I mean, I read today that Obama will be the first sitting president to use e-mail!

And you have a bf now? :)
I don't get the conspiracy theorists who are questioning if the oath was legit or if he was born in Kenya, and so on and so forth. To try to over-rule the will of the American people based on some technicality is not what I consider democracy. He has a US passport, and if we are giving passports to non-US citizens, we have some big fish to fry with the State Department.

They were going to do an event for my whole school. That got cancelled because some of the visual equipment in the auditorium was broken and couldn't get fixed in time. So I stayed home to watch it and the parade and everything else.

I don't get the haters either. Obama wasn't even in office yet and hadn't done anything as president, so everyone should at least give the guy a chance. I suspect some people might be afraid of change, even though the way to survive as a decent country is to be able to adapt to the times and be progressive. I mean, I read today that Obama will be the first sitting president to use e-mail!

And you have a bf now? :)

And's actually the one that I accidentally turned downed in October. So things really do work out if they're meant to be!

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