WAG Is it hard to go from level 5 to 7?

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Feb 16, 2021
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I know going from Level 5to 7 is a jump, but how hard is it. I know someone who is thinking of moving up next season. Also what are the skill values and skills that should be in it?
It really just depends on the individual girl and the philosophy of the gym. Level 6 is not a required level so many girls don't do 6. Some gyms have the girls do one meet at 5 to score out and then compete the season at 6. Some girls do 5, 6 and 7 if they are not ready for 7 after level 5.
At dd's gym, most of the girls go from 5 directly to 7. A few that are not ready do 6 instead of repeating 5.
Since 7 is an optional level, it's hard to list all of the skills that can be done for the routine to start with a 10.0.
It really just depends on the individual girl and the philosophy of the gym. Level 6 is not a required level so many girls don't do 6.
This was the case in our gym. It is my understanding that from a "difficulty" perspective, Level 5 and Level 6 are virtually identical. It's just that Level 5 is compulsory and Level 6 is optional. But same level of skills. So, it is certainly very doable for those that are very competent at all Level 5 skills to then progress to Level 7.
Things people sometimes struggle with to get to level 7 (after completing 5) in my very limited knowledge opinion:

Acro series on beam
Acro flight on beam (commonly BHS isolated or as part of the series, but there are other options)
180 jump or leap on beam (min of 135? needed to meet requirement

Circling elements on bars, most do giants and/or clear hips, but there are other options

Floor RO BHS Layout

Vault — the yurchenko timer to mat stack seems to be hard for some, but it seems like most kids can do a serviceable Tusk timer to mat stack which is also allowed?? (And there is a 3rd option which I haven’t seen often).
It is my understanding that from a "difficulty" perspective, Level 5 and Level 6 are virtually identical. It's just that Level 5 is compulsory and Level 6 is optional. But same level of skills.
This used to be true, but they changed the requirements for Level 6 to make it more of an "in between" level. Vault is a flipping timer instead of front handspring, bars requires a flyaway out of a cast instead of tap swings, beam requires a flight element or acro series. There might be more that I'm missing...
This used to be true, but they changed the requirements for Level 6 to make it more of an "in between" level. Vault is a flipping timer instead of front handspring, bars requires a flyaway out of a cast instead of tap swings, beam requires a flight element or acro series. There might be more that I'm missing...
Beam now also requires an A dismount instead of the handstand, turn thing used in levels 3-4-5.
I saw in the new level 5 requirements the beam dismount is going to be a back tuck? The options in 6 make it easier than 5 (both require a fly away on bars anyway) but at least you can work around some other skills.
This used to be true, but they changed the requirements for Level 6 to make it more of an "in between" level.
Ahhh - thanks for the clarification. That makes sense (and come to think of it, several girls skipped Level 6 back when my daughter did . . . but since then, our team has in fact had more level 6s). So, that makes a lot of sense. Thank you!
My DD's gym doesn't compete a year of level 5 so the girls either go from 4 to level 6 or level 7. In my daughters group 3 went to level 7 and 10 or so went to level 6. I have found the two big differentiators are giants on bars and some sort of beam series for level 7. DD didnt have giants and hates beam so she did a year of level 6 and this year is level 7 and doing fine. Of the 3 that went straight to level 7 two moved to 8 one is repeating level 7 by her choice not because she didnt have level 8 skills. So the kids that jumped up still are progressing fine. Definitely depends on the gymnast and if the gym sets them up to succeed at the level.

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