Gym is friendly
Our gym is friendly on the whole. Rec coaches do a great job with the kids and will talk with the parents if time permits between classes.
Coaches on the team side differ, depending upon their personalities. All give their all to the girls and demand the same from them. Both optional coaches are outspoken and friendly. My dd's coach is more quiet and subdued but will talk with you if you ask. She's friendly and loves the girls. I am one of the level 2/3 coaches, my counter half is out going and friendly, I'm more quiet but we get along great!
Office staff is professional and most time understanding and friendly.
We have a website through the parks and recs website, it's updated pretty well with meets and scores but no forum for parents/coaches to communicate, that would be great! However, my counterpart serves as the liason between team coaches and parents. She does a great job and parents can email their dd's coach anytime and get a response ASAP. So, I guess it's a trade off. I'll have to promote this website as a forum for our parents and to learn from other parents.
Wish our Pro shop was bigger, an over sized closet and holds no more than 2-3 people at any one time. But the lady who runs it stocks it with great items that are appealing and move quickly.
We are in a very old building in a not so great part of town, wish we could have a bigger modern facility that offered more services than just gymnastics, like basketball and maybe a soccer field out back.
We do have a refreshment machine that sells only juice/water/sports drinks. A snack machine would be nice for those long nights and you don't want to drive to get a snack.
Our fees are reasonable and we have a great coaching staff. Sometimes when our dd's are not "progressing" the way we feel they should, we quickly accuse the coach, sometimes its the gymnast. For whatever reason she's not and it's not always her fault. Emotionally, physically or mentally, she may not be ready. Our coachs do recognize the difference and I'm glad!
Dream gym: state of the art for both rec and team, plenty of space around us, facility to house other sports (not water), nice sized pro shop where credit cards are accepted; an eating area where you can sit and watch, rather than standing the whole time...the list could go on! Ahh to dream!
All in all, not too bad!