WAG It happened in 2012!!

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Dec 21, 2008
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It's been pretty quiet around here the last few weeks guys! And I figured since I started the last couple of this week I accomplished's, I would start this years as well, but with a new name. And of course, lets add what we WANT to accomplish this year too!

Thus far this year, what have I accomplished. Not much, because I'm still limited by my knee, but I have acomplished having fun most times I have been in the gym. Oh I know! I started doing roundoffs on the floor again, and my handstand forward roll has straight arms now!

This year? I don't want to get injured again. That is my main goal. I figure if I can stay injury free for the year, then I should have a successful season.
My goal for this year is having as much fun in my last year (most likely) of gymnastics and leave the sport on a high and I want to try to get a full on floor and a flic on beam :)
I was just thinking we needed a new one of these so thanks for posting nicci!

My goals for this year are:
1. keep my ankles healthy
2. get my kip!
3. be able to compete on every apparatus at my gym's adult meet in november(hopefully!)
4. work on getting over my fear of front tucks...i've been afraid of these since i hurt my ankle bailing on one in august 2010! that is way too long ago and it's time to conquer the beast :P
This year so far I accomplished,
Making five highbar kips in a row. (most I've made at a practice much the less in a row!!)
Connected my front handspring to front tuck on the tumble track (a fear of mine)

What I want to accomplish,
Get my kips consistently
Get over my fear of the RO BHS backtuck on floor by myself.
Back walkover on beam
Goals for 2012!

Well, my main goal after being out due to a knee injury a year ago Dec. and again this Sept. (both from trying to upgrade a bunch of new skills into my routines) my main goal is to be able to compete the entire season.

That being said, I would like to get my handspring full on vault consistently to the landing mat, and make my 1 1/2 on the resi pit.

I would like to compete my recently able to do all the time bar routine of straddle back, clear hip, giants to flyaway. Also get my flyaway full into pit. I have a 3/4!

I would like to compete my front walkover on beam which I got recently, and upgrade my cartwheel back tuck dismount to a pike.

I would like to do front pike front tucks again, because I got hurt doing them this fall but they were going really well and they are super fun! I would like to do my layout 1/2 on the real floor.

That's pretty much it!
Goals for this season hmmm....
1.Get an all around of a 37.0
2.compete a front-handspring front layout on floor(honestly just advance all my skills on all events as much as possible)
3. keep my scores constantly in the 9's while i move from Xcel gold to level 7, halfway through my season.
& most important....
Keep my love for the sport and my gym family <3
Well I didn't accomplish much last night as far as skills go, but I did get a great workout which is always good :] I've also decided I'm finally going to get grips. I think the combination of starting to work on harder bar skills and having better stamina and being able to work on the bars longer has been really tough on my hands, and I've had to make tape grips pretty much every practice the last couple of months. So I'll let you guys know how life with grips is going :p
I didn't get many of the skills I wanted to get last year, but working on flic-flacs during the year was awesome! My main goal for the first part of this year is to get my wrist healed so I can train on it properly again. I want to get the skills I started practising last year, such as handstand and cartwheel on the beam. Start working on RO-flic again, and I'd love to learn a handspring. On bars, get my straddle-on consistently, and I really want to get up onto the high bar. I'm a bit worried, though, as my coach from last year told me he isn't taking adults class this year, and without a structured class and working consistently with a coach, my progress will really slow down.
My goal for the year would be a ROBHS and to finally do my standing BT by myself.

Last night was good. I did 3 out of 4 successful straddle-ons. I missed my first 2 high bar kips but made the 3rd so I was able to do a full level 5 routine. YAY!! Now I need to connect everything instead of stopping between every skill.
Well I've never posted in this forum before but I'm feeling really good about what I have accomplished and what I want to. I never did gymnastics as a kid and my 'skills' consisted of a cartwheel and roundoff. I started classes a few months ago, Nov I think. So far I have a solid hand stand, I can beat my lvl 7 and 4 in a handstand contest--no walking. I can do a handstand bridge, handstand forward roll and I have a nice rebound out of my roundoff. On beam I got my cartwheel on high beam, cross handstand, side handstand dismount, need a little help on a front handspring dismount (fear), front tuck that isn't pretty..yet. I have finally found my steps and can do a front handspring over the table. Bars I have greatly improved my tap swings and can do a fly away off the 'real' bar and land it with out a spot, cast fly away on the pit bar. I really really want my squat on but it scares the crap out of me. I did get my back handspring on floor and connected my robhs on the tumble track with out a spot. Tonight I did two bhs and connected my ro back tuck into the pit. I can do bounders on the tramp, front hand springs on the tramp.

My goals are to get my kip, squat on and learn to pike on my fly away and maybe even work on laying it out (on the pit bar). I want to work more on strap bar too. I'd like to get my ro back tuck on the tumble track and maybe work that on the floor with a spot.

I love going to class and so happy our gym has one.
Wow, you are doing amazingly well for just a few months and without a gymnastics background! I've been going for a few years and can't do all those skills - very envious!
I had (another) knee surgery this week. It went well and should be back in the gym in a few weeks! Looking forward to it. Then I'm going to start training g for the AAU sumer nationals, they have a novice division!
Well I am back to working out after taking last year off as I was pregnant, had my daughter in September 2011. My goals are to get back all the level 8 skills I competed in 2010 and maybe a few new ones. Doing good so far, last weekend was the first time I actually practiced in the gym. Made my FHs vault, cast handstand and back giants to flyaway on bars, mostly dance and basics on beam and only tumbled on TT for now but made a back full and 1 1/2. I am just excited I can still do it after having my first child, I wasnt expecting to swing giants my first day back in the gym but I am super excited I did!!! It would be so much fun to compete this year and have my daughter there to watch!!!!
I competed at Masters Games with my bung wrist taped plus tiger paws. Beam wasn't great, had an attack of nerves and got jelly legs, so a little disappointing, but at least I didn't fall off. Floor went well and I was pleased with it. This year they gave out apparatus medals and I got first in conditioning, second in floor, second in beam and third in vault (4th all around). However, there were only 5 in our age group - 40 and over. It was pretty cool getting all the medals hung around my neck though!!! There were actually two over-50 ladies in the group this year so that was quite inspiring.

I'm now taking a short break to rest my wrist. After last year's masters I had a huge list of skills I wanted to learn before this year's masters but it just didn't happen, although I did make some progress on a few of them. I'm still hoping to learn some new skills this year before next year's masters, although don't know how long it is going to take my wrist to heal properly so I can work on some of them.
I am so proud of myself tonight! When I first started in my adult class I was really brave and would try pretty much any new skill, and I picked up new skills very quickly. Well I've been super timid since my major ankle injury and it's been driving me nuts because I know I'm holding myself back. For whatever reason I decided that this week was the week to get back to the way I used to be. Tonight I did some great front tucks off the tumble track (the skill and location of my injury) and I was way more aggressive in my back handspring and I improved it so much! I also have a new and very difficult goal to work toward that is motivating me (no, it's not just a skill)...but I've decided not to tell anyone what that goal is until I get a little closer and see if it's actually achievable ;] I'll let you guys know about that later!

But anyway, just wanted to check in since I haven't in a while and let you know that I'm feeling extra motivated to work hard right now!
I tried being a bit more aggressive last night too. I did my front handspring-front tuck on the tumble track for the first time since my knee injury. I also decided to tumble on the rod floor and did my back tuck over my coach's head! That one felt good.
This week was bad for me, but I'm blaming it on the weather lol. However, I have started working on skills that I am going to do for USAIGC and AAU. Have re-started working BHS drills, FHS (off the tumble track) and front tuck(off the tumble track). Which the front tuck, I actually was able to do a "proper" one. Hopefully next week will go better. Glad you guys had a great week
I was finally able to get my butt back in the gym last night after a few crazy weeks of school and studying for finals! I have had my cast squat on for almost a year and a half now but for some reason I have had a weird fear of them for the last few months. I would try to make myself do a few every practice, but it would always take me forever to actually do one and the fear never seemed to go away. Well last night I decided I wanted to work on doing a squat on right after my front hip, and for whatever reason, that seemed to help with my fear! It's still not even close to actually being connected, but I think having something else to concentrate on before the squat on and not having extra time to over think the skill is what helped. I feel so much more confident with it, and I should be in the gym again tomorrow night so I'll let you all know if the fear has indeed been conquered ;]
I want my level 4's to take the state team title and place 2 in the top 3. I want my level 3's to also take the team title. however realistically only 1 might place top 3 (we have two level 3 teams).
Well, best of luck for your kids making it! However, this thread is about what YOU accomplished, as an adult gymnast, not what you hope the kids you coach will accomplish....hope I don't sound rude, cause it's not meant to be. cheers

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