JBS Apologizes to Bog

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We are looking for 2 moderators for each forum. If you have 100 posts and you are interested...please apply here:

Link RemovedWe need more mods to make sure we have all opinions represented on the board. All major site action will be voted upon by the admins and mods in the future. Please apply to be a mod and help shape the future of the site.
I am not very controversial at all and I don't post often, so I'm not sure how much it qualifies me for an opinion here but here goes.

I am assuming something happened behind the scenes which is resulting in the members mentioned being deleted, not just everyday, sometimes slightly controversial threads I read here?

I'm a very laid back gym mom, my daughter is a Y gymnast who plays other sports, and loves gymnastics but is loving field hockey and soccer, so we'll see what happens. I've come across my share of over zealous parents for sure, both at home and online, but I'm really not understanding why someone with an aspiring "elite" whether it is serious or all in the parent's head, or maybe a little bit of both, why isn't that person and his/her thoughts welcome here? If you (just a general you) think they are crazy and asking silly questions, why can't you just ignore it, why is it a problem that certain people want to post questions or issues concerning higher level training, even if their children are still little. I do think those posters get shut down very quickly.

I know by your changes it seems like you want to move past this but can someone explain what the community feeling is on this (from and admin standpoint)?

Support for the CB or questions only in this thread please.
I am not very controversial at all and I don't post often, so I'm not sure how much it qualifies me for an opinion here but here goes.

I am assuming something happened behind the scenes which is resulting in the members mentioned being deleted, not just everyday, sometimes slightly controversial threads I read here?

I'm a very laid back gym mom, my daughter is a Y gymnast who plays other sports, and loves gymnastics but is loving field hockey and soccer, so we'll see what happens. I've come across my share of over zealous parents for sure, both at home and online, but I'm really not understanding why someone with an aspiring "elite" whether it is serious or all in the parent's head, or maybe a little bit of both, why isn't that person and his/her thoughts welcome here? If you (just a general you) think they are crazy and asking silly questions, why can't you just ignore it, why is it a problem that certain people want to post questions or issues concerning higher level training, even if their children are still little. I do think those posters get shut down very quickly.

I know by your changes it seems like you want to move past this but can someone explain what the community feeling is on this (from and admin standpoint)?

Very simple...everyone is welcome here...so there is nothing to debate. That has been the issue here for a while now. Members on both sides trying to debate "nothing" in a perfectly good thread.

Very good question. As the owner of the site...it took me over a year to figure this out.
Once again...everyone is welcome here.

...and I would love to see one of my kids do elite gymnastics.
The offending members were banned because they violated our rules and/or the welfare of the site...not because of their opinion.
If we were banning people based on having strong opinions or large egos or being "Type A"...I would be the first one banned.

After all...

...everyone knows I am the best coach ever that runs the best gymnastics website on the net.:D
Also...to be clear. Some people have asked to have their accounts deleted. They have not been banned. They are welcome back at any time under a new account. We do have "one account per user rule". A deleted user has zero accounts so they may rejoin. A banned user holds an account and would be in violation of our rules if they rejoin...one...because they have been banned...two...because they would have two accounts.
Tumblequeensmom has been issue an infraction for "offending other members".

Gymgurl has been issues an "off topic" warning.

Sorry Mods, I read the last post in the thread and responded to that forgetting to think about the overall purpose of this thread will make sure it doesn't happen again!
Also i forgot to add, Ok I am a bit confused with off topic (i know my previous post was off topic and if i had re-read it i probably would have deleted it immediately) say there was a response to an original question, and that prompts a response that is not in direct relation to the subject of the original post am i violating the off topic rule? or does this depend if its a direct question or opinion thread?
Also i forgot to add, Ok I am a bit confused with off topic (i know my previous post was off topic and if i had re-read it i probably would have deleted it immediately) say there was a response to an original question, and that prompts a response that is not in direct relation to the subject of the original post am i violating the off topic rule? or does this depend if its a direct question or opinion thread?

You should have just reported the post in question to the mods by using the little triangle ! button on the bottom left of the post. Then the mods could have taken action if needed.

This is exactly what is happening in too many threads on the site.
I will try another way to explain this whole thing...

Because there is no difference between a front hip circle and an elite front hip circle...most of the conversation on this site is very boring to me as a coach. The constant picking sides is driving away people like me.

As far as the banned users....they were banned for breaking rules...not for picking sides.

Everyone needs to stop picking sides and just talk normally.
So glad to see this post (yes, I asked to have my account deleted and it was--so I'm back under a new name). Thanks for starting to return CB to the great site it was when I first joined a few years back.

(the poster formerly known as cathiann)
wow, I must have missed some "good" posts...glad to see some left but are back!
I will try another way to explain this whole thing...

Because there is no difference between a front hip circle and an elite front hip circle...most of the conversation on this site is very boring to me as a coach. The constant picking sides is driving away people like me.

As far as the banned users....they were banned for breaking rules...not for picking sides.

Everyone needs to stop picking sides and just talk normally.

That says it all very clearly right there in nutshell:D! CB should be for ALL & ALL should feel comfortable to post their thoughts & questions. I have gained so much from CB over the years and I have always tried to give back to the community however I could. But I have to admit that over the past year it has been boring with some members posting just for the sake of being argumentative. I'm all for opinions if there is experience & knowledge in there to back it up. There are parents & coaches of actual elite gymast here & I LOVE to read their insightful posts!!! No one is "against" elites or future elites here. We are just "against" trouble makers who don't have CB's best interest at heart & just come to stir up trouble. Thank you again JBS for working so hard over the past few days to get a friendly, helpful & supportive atmosphere back on CB:)!
So glad to see this post (yes, I asked to have my account deleted and it was--so I'm back under a new name). Thanks for starting to return CB to the great site it was when I first joined a few years back.

(the poster formerly known as cathiann)

Welcome back!:D
Please give us you opinion in the following thread:

Link Removed

Please stay constructive. We are trying to get your opinion...not why you think someone else is wrong.
Before I click on that link JBS and get lost..lol. I want to just say. I think you guys (gal too) do a wonderful job. I have said that before.
I have learned so much on here. There have been times where I didnt agree with a poster, or a response to my post. BUT, so is life. I dont know that I saw it as a battle between elite vrs non elite. Just people bumping heads. Over ALOT of different things. This has been goin on more and more lately and I have noticed the drop in topics and responses across the board.
I really do hope that this whole "infraction" system works. I do know the board has a different feeling now then it did when I came 2 yrs ago. I hope to get that back.
Thank you (all 3 of you) for trying to make this the best site you can. I think considering everything..you couldnt do a better job than you do.
I do not know what happened yesterday. Im sad to see people go. But hopfully things will smooth out and get back to where it was.
Now I can go read the other thread..lol
Thanks, Mods and Admins

Thank you, JBS, for the apology, for the changes, for succinctly explaining them, and for creating and supervising this site. Thank you, Bog and GT, and other staff, for the fantastic job you do here. I hope now that with these changes, I can come back to CB as an active member (as time allows :) ) instead of the very, very occasional lurker I've been in the past year and a half or more. I look forward to reading about all levels and types of gymnastics from rec to those who have been/have parented elite without the unnecessary tension and provocation. Yes, we all differ in opinions and backgrounds--that's part of the beauty of community--, but I hope we can proceed civilly to help each other and provide information to others about gymnastics and our experiences.

For the record, Bog has been and continues to be one of the biggest genuine supporters of my daughter--through her TOPs years just last year and the year before and now, and I know personally of others who have felt her strong support for their "high level" gymnasts. Thanks, Bog.
I'm with the people who've said they missed something! I always seem to miss the interesting stuff, darn! (Just kidding, I like to live a drama free life). I did notice the debates morphing into something silly and it's unfortunate once some people got the idea in the head they were being discriminated against (for having an opinion? I thought it strange some people thought aspiring elites were being discriminated against, while there are coaches and parents of elites, former elites, very close to elites, etc. on here who had no problems, but to each their own I suppose). I guess once those ideas are formed they're hard to shake, which is why I'm glad the tree was shook- hard, for lack of a better metaphor.

I'm just glad we can get back to talking about our kids, gymnastics and forming friendships with other people who love the sport!

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