Parents Jealous (maybe) friends? How would you handle it?

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It's hard when moms become friends through their kids, and then their kids aren't friends anymore. I've definitely had that happen, as have other friends of mine, and it's always tough. If part of your friendship has been getting your kids together and your kids no longer want to get together, then it can be awkward and weird. So I'm glad you two have arranged to get together without the kids next week.
I'm sorry but she sounds a little like a CGM. Kids of all ages car pool together for the convenience of the parents. My kids are not going to make the decision on that. Constantly asking you why there daughter isn't on team seems like a bit much to me. The comment they said that there daughter was better then yours hmm. I would explain that you don't have a say in what the gym decides but can see that there DD is talented and to talk with the gym about it. A meeting or dinner with your friend is a good idea to just discuss it. When and if her DD makes team it's just going to get worse. After the dinner I wouldnt bring up gym again. Just my two cents. Good luck with what ever you decide!!!

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