I’m assuming level 8 beam here? For level 8 beam they need the following special requirements.
1. A series of two acro skills, one with flight - the BHS BHS you mentioned fills this.
2. A leap or jump that reaches a 180 split - switch leaps are a very common way to get this in level 8 and up but other common things would be a split jump, split leap, straddle jump etc.
3. A full turn
4. An ‘A’ dismount
These are the minimum requirements for a base level 8 routine. If they are missing one of these it is .5 off the start value of the routine.
Up to level are deductions not start value and are what are considered an up to level routine. The following is what you would need to not receive any up to level deduction at all. As the difficulty goes down the deduction goes up. They have it detailed out for .05, .1, .15 and a full .2 deductions.
-Series of two acro, both with flight - BHS BHS works and will be most common
-Two additional acro, one being a B - In level 8 the most common way to meet this would be with a back tuck and a roundoff into a dismount. But you will also see front walkovers, front handsprings etc.
-Min 2B and 1A
A split jump is a B
A switch leap is a C, but counts as a B in level 8
Beat jumps, tuck jumps, sissones and split leaps are all As
B acro directly connected to A dismount
Or B dismount
Most commonly you will see a roundoff layout or more dismount or a front layout off the end of the beam is a isolated B dismount.
Hope this helps!
My daughter is repeating level 8 again this year and previously did a back tuck (sometimes a back pike) by itself as a dismount. Is that not acceptable now?
Are there any other changes for level 8?