Parents Juju Videos Galore & First 9 (times 2)

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OK, so I finally got caught up and was able to get her montages made for her last 4 meets. (I think I may have mentioned I am a procrastinator - LOL :eek:)

I honestly don't think I posted results on half of them so far because we have been so busy traveling every weekend. In this I will post about her meet yesterday and the rest of her scores you can find at the end of each of the respective meet's montages.

Valentines Day - Sparkle City Meet
Vault: 9.0
Bars: 8.2
Beam: 8.6
Floor: 9.05
AA: 34.85

DD was thrilled about getting a nine on floor and then was shocked when she got another on her last rotation on vault. We were stunned as they are her worst 2 events. Funny how that works sometimes.

Check out all her videos and make sure and leave comments for her either here, there or both.

We have been very pleased by her steady progress especially with her being a young and small 6 year old. It is amazing to think back to this time last year and see how far she has come!

I forgot to mention that she got to take home the Teams 1st Place trophy for the weekend. That is a way the coaches reward one of the girls from each meet. She was grinning from ear to ear at the thought of taking it to school on Monday for her Kindergarten class to see!
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She was delightful to watch! Thank you so much for sharing her wonderful results. She must be so proud!

I smiled when I read she wanted to bring the trophy to show her kindergarden class. I forget how young some of these girls are:)

Congratulations Juju!!!
Way to go Lilly! 2 - 9s, that's phenomenal. I think they scored way harsh on that Carolina Classic. She had a few things (foot down in pivot turn, and no credit for the scale being held at horizontal for 2sec.), but that doesn't add up to 7.975. Way Harsh! You did great Lilly, keep up those Level 5 handstands. They're beautiful!!
I think they scored way harsh on that Carolina Classic... (various mistakes) doesn't add up to 7.975. Way Harsh!

I tend to agree on that one too. We were a bit shocked by that score. I was thinking lower 8's maybe. I tend to think judges in our area are pretty tough but typically very fair. I have been told as the season goes on, they also tend to judge more harshly as they expect more from the girls later in the season. Since the deduction code has MANY "up to .X dedutions", in the early season they hit the girls with only .1 or .2, now that we are nearing the end of the season they may hit with that .3 instead.

In watching tons of videos on youtube I have often thought that I would love to have DD scored by judges in other areas of the US as they seem much more lenient. Ultimately, I guess it makes it that much more rewarding when she finally got a couple of those elusive 9's. It is definitely amazing to watch how much she has improved from her first meet (High Flight) in late October.

Thanks for all the comments. Juju loves reading them all!

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