With so much that is not awesome right now, I’d like to imagine for a moment that my kid gets a season, and that she’s a first year level 10.
I will lay out a bar routine and would love to know if this is a minimal routine or “up to level.” She (dd) says that it’s the former, but also that it has some bonuses. I don’t yet understand how L10 scoring works so here goes...
kip, jump to high bar, kip cast hs, pirouette, overshoot to hs, toe full, toe shoot, kip cast hs, toe full, double pike. So several connections, no giants, no harder releases. Imagine that all handstands are hit and held. form is solid, etc.
What say you, scoring experts?
I will lay out a bar routine and would love to know if this is a minimal routine or “up to level.” She (dd) says that it’s the former, but also that it has some bonuses. I don’t yet understand how L10 scoring works so here goes...
kip, jump to high bar, kip cast hs, pirouette, overshoot to hs, toe full, toe shoot, kip cast hs, toe full, double pike. So several connections, no giants, no harder releases. Imagine that all handstands are hit and held. form is solid, etc.
What say you, scoring experts?