knee pain

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I have had major knee pain for about 5 months. I have not been doing as much floor and vault to let it heal but its just not going away. Before I hurt it I ran a lot so maybe that has something to do with it. Does anyone know what i can do to make it better?
I would highly recommend you see a doctor. There is no other way to really know what is wrong. You don't want to mess around with your knee's. Especially if they have been hurting that long
If it is still hurting and not resolving then I would go to the Dr's regularly to confirm its healing the way it needs to.
How old are you? Have you gone through a growth spurt over the last few months? Or, were you injured just before the period? Where exactly is the location of the pain? How hard did you run?

No one should attempt to give diagnosis and recommendations online because none of us can really know, including the physicians here. As others have suggested, for a pain that lasted that long, you really need to see a medical professional. If you happen to have one of the more serious conditions, there are potentials for long term consequences.

With that said, I feel it's appropriate to discuss the experiences that our gymnasts have faced and the knowledge that we have gathered. From what I have read, there are a number of reasons for the pain. Besides the more serious tears, fractures and sprains, a number of more temporary growing pains can are often found amongst young strong athletes. Some of the more common ones are are Osgood Schlatter Disease (that was mentioned) and various tendonitis (such as jumper's knees and runner's knees).

My 13yo would empathize as she experienced either OS or jumper's knees about 3 years ago for the better part of a year. Her pain was so intense that she couldn't do anything but to stand when she got on the beam. Vaulting and tumbling was very hard for her as well. Luckily for her, her fave event is also the bars. Under her doctor's supervision, all she had to do was to rest the knees (along with low dosages of OTS pain killer) and to perform a lot of intense quad stretches until the pain went away. Incidentally, my 10yo has just gone through a very mild case this past season.

Good luck and wish you a quick recovery. Below are a couple of references to start...

Knee Pain Overview
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u mite hav wat i hav. its a knee thing called ozgoodshlaters. i dnt no how to spell it sry. is there a bump under ur knee cap? it happens to sum kids wen they are active. like gymnastics, running, ect. it can hurt very badly. i mean really badly. b4 i new i had it, it felt like i cudnt do anything with my knee. not even move it. i told my old coach the next day and he is the one who told me i prob had it. and i do now it hurts really bad. try a knee brace mayb try going to ur doctor.
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u mite hav wat i hav. its a knee thing called ozgoodshlaters. i dnt no how to spell it sry. is there a bump under ur knee cap? it happens to sum kids wen they are active. like gymnastics, running, ect. it can hurt very badly. i mean really badly. b4 i new i had it, it felt like i cudnt do anything with my knee. not even move it. i told my old coach the next day and he is the one who told me i prob had it. and i do now it hurts really bad. try a knee brace mayb try going to ur doctor.

wud u pls ryt like en so ppl can read. btw, mayB u dunno n u shd lern to ryt.

GEEZ, have some respect kiddo!!! You are writing to a public forum consisting of mostly adults and you're not texting your clueless teenage buddies. Don't get me wrong. Being a geek myself and dad of preteen/teen, I'm all for being creative but making a post with stupid text lingo and senseless typos is so inappropriate here.

If you want to make a point, a suggestion or a reference, look up the spelling online, or get off your butt and get a dictionary. (and Osgood Schlatter is not just a bump under the knee) For your sake, I hope you actually write better than your post and you're just trying to be cute.
Icing 2x a day is the bare minimum. Every 2-3 hours is better.

I will not reccomend any NSAIDS, but there is no very little harm in fish oil unless you are on medications that deal with blood circulation. If you're attempting to use fish oil as a NSAID, 10g is probably where you want to be. There is a formula based on weight but I can't remember. For someone my size at 165lbs, I think I'm supposed to be downing 10g-15g a day. Typically I take 3 or 4 capsules with some food ( milk or meal ).
Thanks Chanwmr.....

To toriluvsgym0618: if I see "text speak" here in these forums, I usually don't bother to read the post. It gives me a headache!!!
wud u pls ryt like en so ppl can read. btw, mayB u dunno n u shd lern to ryt.

GEEZ, have some respect kiddo!!! You are writing to a public forum consisting of mostly adults and you're not texting your clueless teenage buddies. Don't get me wrong. Being a geek myself and dad of preteen/teen, I'm all for being creative but making a post with stupid text lingo and senseless typos is so inappropriate here.

If you want to make a point, a suggestion or a reference, look up the spelling online, or get off your butt and get a dictionary. (and Osgood Schlatter is not just a bump under the knee) For your sake, I hope you actually write better than your post and you're just trying to be cute.

this forum is for gymnasts, most of which are teens. I think that you need to just deal with the way people type. people get on computers so they can have fun, not to learn to "RYT" Sorry but you're just going to have to deal with it.
this forum is for gymnasts, most of which are teens. I think that you need to just deal with the way people type. people get on computers so they can have fun, not to learn to "RYT" Sorry but you're just going to have to deal with it.
I deal with attitudes everyday at work much of it is from young kids. They are the Generation Y and they all think similar to you. But, because you're even younger, I can tell the trend is heading for the worse.

You don't think I've been a kid once? Not only that, you can't even imagine the mischief that I was into and my parents would not approve of and that I'm not proud of. But, disrespecting adults and telling them to "just deal with it" (particular to someone you don't know) was never acceptable. The world doesn't not resolve only the youths you know.

BTW, given ppl medical/health advice is not just having fun. At least you have to pretend what you're talking about. If the OP wanted to get silly responses, the post would have been stated differently.

Just save this thread, go back to it in 10 to 20 years and read your reply again. Assuming that you will turn into a decent adult, I bet you anything that you'll have a different opinion.

Meanwhile, just like you can't deal with my post, I don't have to deal with others like yours either. But, at least mine will always be considered as a reasonable reaction as an adult. I doubt everyone feels the same about yours (including your peers your age). And, if I ever find out my kids ever approach an adult like you just did, they will never hear the end of it.

Also, why did you write the way you did? I mean actually writing the words properly. Hmm... Maybe there is hope.
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i had/have osgoods you grow out of it after like a year or so but you can also see a doctor

i have the same thing, you can see a doctor and they will give you a knee brace to wear, after the first months the brace starts helping,i have it in both knees and its sometimes a pain whendoing gymnastics but it feels WAY better and you eventually grow out of it when you stop growing

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