Parents Last Meet Before State (Brag Alert)

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Moderator/Proud Parent
Aug 25, 2007
Reaction score
DD had her last meet before states today (well, we don't really have an official State Meet for L3, but an area gym hosts a Season Finale). She had a great day.

Vault 9.550 - 1st Place (all of the vault scores were very high today & personal best)
Bars 9.000 - 2nd Place
Beam 8.775 - 3rd Place (forgot her split leap :eek: - lost .8 for that )
Floor 9.350 - 1st Place (personal best)

AA: 36.675 - tied her personal best - 1st Place AA

One more L3 Meet then on to L4 !!!!
My goodness that AA is awesome, if you add the 0.8 back in for that split lear it is astronomical. She is having a fabulous year. Now onto States, isn't that the most fun ever.

I bet she can't wait, tell her she's the BOMB!!!!!
Wow - what an amazing season she is having !!!! Tell her congrats on another great meet - it sounds like she is more than ready for level 4.
She had an awesome season! All her CB friends are very proud of her:D Is she excited to put a back handspring in her routine?
She had an awesome season! All her CB friends are very proud of her:D Is she excited to put a back handspring in her routine?

Thanks, I think she is. But, she will have to wait until September. She is going to compete Rookie 1 (an optional level that is equivilant to L3/4 - she has to do Rookie 1 because she has never competed in a L4 USAG meet - if she was doing Rookie 2 she could do the ROBHS but she would have to had competed at least one L4 meet) in the spring. But, at least she will get her own music and routine and new beam routine as well.
Now that sounds more like Canada! She'll love her own music, my girls are just putting their finishing touches on their routines. Little one is adding a few extra flails (I'm so mean) on the beam!!! They have so much fun doing their own routines.
I bet she is very excited to make her own routines! Tell us how she does.
Congrats! She's had a great season & she should be very proud! I know she will just love moving upward & onward w/ her routines after her 'state' meet. We're excited for her! Keep us posted!:cool:
Great scores! Sounds like she is very ready for L4! Good luck at states and the "rookie" program sounds like a lot of fun too. Wish we had something like that here., great way to keep the girls from getting bored!
Congratulations to your DD. What wonderful scores! What a great way to finish up her season. My DD would be sooo excited to get her own music and routines. I too can not wait for the day when I no longer hear the same music over and over! Good luck to her at States!
She as had an awesome season !Sure she is very excited to be moving up.Good luck to her @ state!
Thanks Everyone

Thanks everyone. I am looking forward to about 2 months without a meet !! She is very excited to move up.

We just got her schedule for her 'state' meet and she does not go at 8:00 am for the first time this season !! - YEAH !! I am so happy.
Thanks everyone. I am looking forward to about 2 months without a meet !! She is very excited to move up.

We just got her schedule for her 'state' meet and she does not go at 8:00 am for the first time this season !! - YEAH !! I am so happy.
Yaaay! My dd's 2 worst meets of the season were the 8 am variety. She takes after me, I'm afraid! We are allergic to morning!

Hope your dd enjoys sleeping a bit more and has tons of fun at her State meet!
Congrats to your DD, those are awesome scores! What a great way to end the regular season :)

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