Our gym seems to do the same as everyone mentioned. My DD was fine learning the floor routine because they learned by having the directions called out to them. She is not the type of kid that can learn by watching others. She has to be told and do it over and over and over herself.
Beam is proving to be very frustrating to her. Bars was no problem, but she loves bars. I think beam gives her problems because she gets bored learning the parts and can't see it all fitting together. I wish wish wish there was beam music. LOL. Beam is also her weakest (and she has had a lot of falls, etc) event, so that could be as well. Plus, until recently, the coach she had for beam (who was the HC, who has since left) had her close to tears on beam many times and I think any hope she had for loving beam was being squashed. With new coaches on beam, she is becoming much more confident on beam, even got her BWO a few times on beam alone after a fall/hitting her head trying one with her coach, so I think beam has a brighter future in her mind now.
I think it also depends on the gyms focus. Many gyms just practice routines, over and over and over during meet season. Routines and parts of routines. DDs gym still uptrains and sometimes it seems they don't work on routines as much as they could, especially during the week before a meet, but I imagine they have reasons and my DD is happy there, so I am happy.
Also depends on the kid big time. DDs teammate, is very good at just watching other girls do a routine and then she can figure it out. She learned the floor and beam routines really quickly. She teaches herself skills that way as well. My DD isn't like that at all. Different learning styles.
Good luck to your DD in learning her routines.