Leos at Visa Champs

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Feb 26, 2007
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Now there were some I loved, and then were were some that are so ugly I could weep.


Shawn Johnson


Sam Peszek


Jana Bieger


Darling Hill


Corrie Lothrop


Christa Tanella Woga


Chelsea Davies


Amber Trani


Alicia Sacromone
I liked: Alicia's, Amber's, Chelsea's was kinda weird but I think I like it,
Christa's is just plain and kinda boring but there's nothing wrong with it.
I don't really like Corrie's.
Darling ( I thought her name was Darlene? maybe im wrong?) 's was pretty cute with her skin tone and all.
Jana's is plain but I like it.
Sam's is pretty.
I don't like Shawn's much shes had a lot better ones before but thats not like really ugly.
Wow yeah I really don't like Shawn's. Could just be the lighting though. The others weren't too bad though.
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shawn looks like she's been fake tanning and so the orange leo looks not so good on her. but thats just my opinion... and it might just look like that in that particular picture.

i really really like alicias leo though.
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Like: Sam, Darling, Alicia

Don't like: Shawn, Jana, Corrie, Chelsea, Christa, amber

maybe i'm just really picky.
I liked Sam's, Jana's, Darling's, Alicia's and Nastia's.
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The rest were ok- but I really don't like orange leos- is there anyone they actually suit?
so Christa Tanella changed her last name to represent her gym?? :D I'm just kidding! Darlenes birth name was Darling and she recently changed it back after her grandmother passed away....or something along those lines. I'll have to find the article that talked about that.
i liked Chellsie's from Night 2, and Sam's from Night 2.

I really like Shawn, but her leos were pretty ugly.
I really dont like Shawn' Leo! I caught a bit on TV (but am waiting to watch the whole thing with DD) And I thought she was wearing a one armed leo.. and whats with her initials on the shoulder? Like a sparkle tatoo or something.

I really like Shawn, but I think they picked the wrong leo!
luvnastia i agree with you i loved chellsie's leo from night 2 also!!! the rest seemed kinda plain. lots of solid colors it seemed like.
I actually think Shawn's leo was pretty, but not on her. She has such a short, muscular body and that leotard seemed to make her look shorter and thicker. I could see Nastia pulling off that leotard no problem. Shawn would have looked better in something like what Chellsie wore.
Shawn needs to fire her stylist!!! :) I liked alicia's today - mature looking, I think
I liked the black version of the one armed leo on the second night on Shawn than the orange version of it from the night before. I agree it would have been better on someone else.
I just hated Shawns leos. Both the orange and the black. I just couldnt stand them. They didnt look like she was wearing a leo. As someone mentioned above, the sparkly SJ was slightly weird as well.

I LOVED Both of Nastias leos. Very nice. Wasnt a huge fan of memmels on day two, but I think thats because of the over kill jewels.
i read somewhere that she changed her name - like it used to be Darlene but she got it changed to Darling.

Actually her real name is Darling and she always went by Darlene. I am not 100% sure why she decided to go back to her birth name. I think we're safe with Go Dar! Dd trains at same gym and we will be screaming for her at the trials!
i read somewhere that she changed her name - like it used to be Darlene but she got it changed to Darling.

"Dar", as we like to call her, is from our gym. Her birth name is actually "Darling", but somehow as a child she was called "Darlene", and kept using Darlene her whole life until recently. After the death of her beloved grandmother, using her actual birth name became something she wanted to do. So, in fact, her name has always really been "Darling", but she went by "Darlene" until recently.

.....and she truly is a darling. ;)
Actually her real name is Darling and she always went by Darlene. I am not 100% sure why she decided to go back to her birth name. I think we're safe with Go Dar! Dd trains at same gym and we will be screaming for her at the trials!

I didn't noticed you posted the same thing until I posted mine (and read yours right above mine). Not sure I know anyone with the last name of "Smith", and your picture is really small. What level is your dd? That will give me a bigger clue. ;)

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